Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Why Abortion Should be the Decision of the Mother and Not the U.S. Supreme Court? Should Fathers Be Allowed to Take Maternity Leave? 3. The Age When A Chil - Homeworkfixit

1. Why Abortion Should be the Decision of the Mother and Not the U.S. Supreme Court?

2. Should Fathers Be Allowed to Take Maternity Leave?

3. The Age When A Child Should Be Allowed to Date?

Directions: Write a well – developed Argumentative essay of at least five extended paragraphs (two to three full pages).  Follow MLA Guidelines when completing this assignment. This assignment should be completed in MS Word and uploaded. Choose one of the writing prompts below. Please do not revise writing prompts. Use the exact prompt as the title.  This essay will serve as the foundation of your research essay.                                                                                 

                                                                                         Writing Prompts

                                    1. Why Abortion Should be the Decision of the Mother and Not the U.S. Supreme Court

                                     2. Should Fathers Be Allowed to Take Maternity Leave

                                     3. The Age When A Child Should Be Allowed to Date



1. Lead in statement (Grab the reader's attention about the subject)

2. Supporting Information (at least three sentences or more)

3. Thesis (should be last sentence and should address the topic)

Body (All body paragraphs should be developed the same.)

1. Topic sentence (should be first or no less than the second sentence and should direct the paragraph; should make a point about   

    the thesis)

2. Supporting Sentences (sentences should develop topic sentences; they may be examples, descriptions, explanation, etc.)

3. Clincher Sentence (sentence that brings the discussion to a close and may serve as a transition into the next paragraph)


1. Restate Thesis (statement should not be worded the same but maintain the same idea

2. Supporting Sentences (give resolutions; possible outlook, your perspective on subject)

3. Clincher Sentence (sentence that brings the essay to a close)