Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What were key traditional values that shaped life in the Greek polis and how did these values influence political life, justice, and the concept of citizenship? - Homeworkfixit

Explain who the Sophists were and what they taught. How did their views on morality and truth challenge the traditional values upheld in the Greek polis? Discuss how the Sophists’ belief in ethical relativism can be seen in modern debates about cultural and moral matters. In what ways do modern political debates around populism, fake news, and media influence echo the Sophists’ focus on rhetoric and ethical relativism?

2. What were key traditional values that shaped life in the Greek polis and how did these values influence political life, justice, and the concept of citizenship? How do these traditional values compare to the foundational values of modern democracies, such as the rule of law, freedom, and equality? How did the Sophists criticize or reject these traditional values? Focus on their ideas of moral relativism and their emphasis on rhetoric over truth. In today’s society, how do politicians, media, or other influencers use similar tactics to challenge established values? Consider examples such as political spin, social media, or ideological polarization

3. How was the polis conceived as a moral and political community where citizens shared common values? Discuss the role of virtue and civic duty in maintaining these values. How does this idea compare to modern ideas of civic responsibility in a democracy? In what ways do civic duty and moral values shape today’s democratic societies?

4. What did Socrates mean by the statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living”? How does this idea reflect his approach to ethics (virtue) and personal responsibility? How did Socrates’ method of questioning challenge the traditional beliefs and values of Athenian society? How can Socrates’ idea of questioning authority and seeking truth be applied to modern political systems? Is there a place for Socratic questioning in today’s political discourse?

5. Plato envisions a city where each person performs the role they are naturally suited for. How does this structure ensure justice in his view? Why does Plato believe that philosopher-kings should be the rules of the Just City? What qualities make them the best fit to lead? Can Plato’s idea of a philosopher-king be compared to today’s political leaders or experts? Do you think modern governments should involve more experts in decision-making, or is democracy better served by elected representatives?

6. Explain Aristotle’s belief that “man is by nature a political animal.” How does this idea shape his understanding of the role of the polis in human life? How does Aristotle argue that the polis is essential for achieving eudaimonia (human flourishing or happiness)? What role does the political community play in helping individuals lead virtuous lives? Discuss Aristotle’s view on the natural hierarchies of gender and explain his belief that women are naturally suited to certain roles in the household. How does he justify their subordination to men, both in private life and in the polis?

Again, there should be a total of 3 separate essays saved in one document. You should have one cover page and one works cited page.

Provide 4 sources per topic.

When you turn in your assignment there should be a minimum of 14 pages.

One cover page with your first and last name, class, assignment name, my name, and date
Essay 1 (3-4 pages)
Essay 2 (3-4 pages)
Essay 3 (3-4 pages)
Works Cited page
For each essay, you should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. You can insert a blank page to separate the essays or indicate the question you are answering by adding the question number on your cover page.

Make sure you cite your sources in Kate Turabian and Chicago Style is acceptable. (30 points off if I get a paper that is submitted without any sources cited). You are not an expert yet. Give those people their credit for any words, thoughts, or ideas that you are discussing in your essays.