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Question 1.1 pts
What is more likely to occur in women with female genital cutting?
Group of answer choices

Low birth-weight babies

Birth-related complications


Premature births

Flag question: Question 2
Question 2.1 pts
What is important to consider when vaginal bleeding occurs during the first trimester?
Group of answer choices

Uterine size

Ectopic pregnancy

Viral infection


Flag question: Question 3
Question 3.1 pts
Sally, who is 18 weeks pregnant, had a maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) level done. The results are elevated. What is the meaning of an elevated MSAFP level?
Group of answer choices

The fetus as trisomy 21.

There is an increased risk that the fetus has an open neural tube defect.

The infant will be born with hydrocephalus.

The fetus has an increased risk of developing cerebral palsy.

Flag question: Question 4
Question 41 pts
Which of the following recommendations should you provide to parents about reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
Group of answer choices

Two small stuff animals in the crib is the recommended limit.

A bare crib with firm sleep surface; no soft objects, wedges, or ruffles.

Co-sleeping with the parents is advised.

A plush, soft mattress with bumper pads is recommended.

Flag question: Question 5
Question 5.1 pts
The side effect of medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) that often leads women to discontinue use is:
Group of answer choices

Pain at the injection site

Weight gain

Heavy menstrual bleeding

Nausea and vomiting

Flag question: Question 6
Question 6.1 pts
The drug of choice for the pregnant woman with diabetes is
Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 7
Question 7.1 pts
Heather, who is 5 weeks pregnant, is nauseous. She asks you how long this will last. You tell her nausea usually disappears by the
Group of answer choices

12th week

16th week

20th week

24th week

Flag question: Question 8
Question 8.1 pts
An autosomal recessive disorder such as cystic fibrosis is expressed in the offspring when:
Group of answer choices

Neither parent carries the gene

Both parents carry the gene

1 parent has the disease

1 parent carries the gene

Flag question: Question 9
Question 91. pts
What should be addressed during late postpartum maternal evaluation (weeks 2–6)?
Group of answer choices

The healing of the mother

The need for birth control information or supplies

The birth plan of the mother

The latching-on response of the infant

Flag question: Question 10
Question 10.1 pts
RhoGAM is indicated for a Rh-negative mother:
Group of answer choices

Routinely at 28 to 30 weeks gestation

Before amniocentesis

Within 72 hours of birth of a Rh-positive infant

After a vaginal ultrasound

Flag question: Question 11
Question 11.1 pts
An example of an X-linked recessive condition or trait is
Group of answer choices

Muscular dystrophy


Sickle cell anemia

Cystic fibrosis

Flag question: Question 12
Question 12.1 pts
When can relief from pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting be expected?
Group of answer choices

6–8 weeks’ gestation

12–14 weeks’ gestation

20–22 weeks’ gestation

after 24 weeks’ gestation

Flag question: Question 13
Question 13.1 pts
Marci has had several abortions in the past and has been unable to carry a pregnancy to full term because of an incompetent cervix. She states that the physician mentioned cerclage to her and asks you what that means. You tell her that cerclage is:
Group of answer choices

A treatment of bedrest with frequent pelvic exams to make sure the cervix is not dilated.

A method in which an apparatus resembling a diaphragm is placed over the cervix to help it stay “tight.”

A purse-string type of stitch placed around the cervix.

A treatment using intravaginal medicated sponges.

Flag question: Question 14
Question 14.1 pts
Nelda is breastfeeding her 6-week-old daughter. She comes today with pain, a lump in her right breast, and flu-like symptoms. You see that the breast is engorged, erythematous, and warm to the touch. Her temperature is 101.8°F. Your diagnosis is:
Group of answer choices

Breast abscess

Breast engorgement


Viral syndrome

Flag question: Question 15
Question 15.1 pts
The onset of labor is indicated by regular uterine contractions and:
Group of answer choices

Complete dilation of the cervix

Change in the position of the fetus

Rupture of the membranes

Progressive cervical change

Flag question: Question 16
Question 16.1 pts
Which of the following dietary changes would you recommend Heather, who is experiencing nausea during her first trimester?
Group of answer choices

A bland diet taken frequently in small amounts

An increase in fat intake

A decrease in carbohydrate intake

Restriction of fluid intake after 7:00 pm

Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
A common prenatal care model in which women have their first visit with one provider and then subsequent visits in a group setting is called:
Group of answer choices

Holistic Birthing


Centering Pregnancy

Pathology Care

Flag question: Question 18
Question 18.1 pts
A 25-year-old obese female has a history of frequent candida vaginal infections in the past year. She is in a monogamous sexual relationship and uses and intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception. Of the following, which is the most likely underlying condition predisposing her to recurring candida vaginitis?
Group of answer choices

Tampon use

Diabetes mellitus



Flag question: Question 19
Question 19.1 pts
Optimal weight gain during pregnancy is based on the woman’s prepregnant BMI and:
Group of answer choices



Nutritional assessment

Caloric intake

Flag question: Question 20
Question 20.1 pts
Kim states that she has heard many old wives’ tales of harmful things during pregnancy. Which of the following is harmful late in pregnancy?
Group of answer choices




Dental visits