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To help guide your thought process for your ethics paper, you may think about the following ideas:

· Consider the policies that organizations put in place regarding social media. Do these policies differ depending on the organization? For example, how does social media affect governmental organizations differently from public service organizations?

· How do employees respond to more strict policies compared to loose policies? How does social media affect job satisfaction?

· How does social media affect employee motivation? Should an organization encourage or discourage employees from using social media to spur more business or recruit more clients?

Ethics Paper specifics:

· Your Ethics Paper should be a maximum of 4 pages. Including the title and references pages, your paper will likely be around 6 pages long.

· I want you to personally reflect on this issue objectively and critically. Add personal examples and anecdotes from your professional experiences as you view necessary.

· I expect you to take an enlightened stance on this issue and defend your point-of-view through your research. Please reference at least five scholarly references where appropriate.

· Be reminded, there is no right or wrong perspective here. Therefore, this paper should be an original representation of your scholarly ability.

· Please be sure to include concepts that we discussed in class over the last few weeks within your paper.

Ethics Paper formatting specifications:

· The paper must be formatted in proper APA formatting.

· American Psychological Association. (2010). Concise Rules of APA Style. 7th ed. Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 9781433805608


· The paper must include a title page, running header, in-text citations, and a complete reference page.

· The paper must be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, and double-spaced throughout.