Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Set the stage for your exhibit by providing an overview of the various photographers and periods that you plan to showcase - Homeworkfixit

A. Set the stage for your exhibit by providing an overview of the various photographers and periods that you plan to showcase. Be sure to comment on the thematic ties that bind your works together, as well as provide examples of how your selected works may not “fit the mold” of their time period or your audience’s expectations.

B. Identify a thesis for your exhibit that addresses a significant cultural issue. Make sure your thesis is specific enough to offer a unique perspective while still being clear and concise.

II. Selection of Photographic Images: You should include quality digital reproductions of all the photographs you have selected for your exhibit. They should be from an authoritative source (e.g., a museum, a gallery, or an academic institution) to ensure they have not been edited or manipulated from the original.

A. Select a minimum of six images that all contribute to the identified thesis

B. Your selected images should be sequenced chronologically according to period and should be purposefully organized to create flow and continuity.

C. Additionally, they must reflect at least three photographic technologies discussed in the course.

D. Finally, at least three periods or styles discussed in the course should be represented

III. Individual Image Commentaries: Underneath each of your selected images, include a detailed commentary

A. Identify the factual information available for the image, including title, date, photographer, dimensions, location, and medium, using appropriately formatted citations.

B. Situate the image within its historical context by explaining all the important and debated cultural and technological realities that are relevant to understanding or appreciating the image, using specific details.

C. Describe the subject matter in detail and identify all reasonably discernible formal elements that are present.

D. Assess the image for its broader thematic elements or figurative meanings, based on your analysis of the subject matter and form.

E. Interpret the image in terms of its cultural significance in a way that supports your overall thesis.

F. Apply appropriate terminology for each of your individual image analyses.

Your exhibit prospectus should include 200–250 words for the introduction and 150–200 words per image. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Follow MLA style for citations.