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Skill / Procedure Confident (Can complete independently) Mostly Confident (Can complete with supervision) Beginning
(Has performed with supervision or need supervision to feel confident) New
(Has never performed or does not apply)
Rapid Strep Test
Ophthalmic Examination
Otoscopic Examination
Rapid Influenza testing

Inhalation Therapy
Interpret Chest X-ray
Peak flow meter
Pulmonary Function Tests
Asthma and allergy action care plan
EKG Performance and Interpretation
Wound Care
PPD Reading
KOH skin slide for fungus
Digital Rectal Exam
Fecal Occult Blood Testing
Interpret H/H
Mini Mental Status Exam
Gait and Balance Assessment
Breast Examination
Obtaining vaginal culture
HARK screening
Contraceptive Planning
Herpes Culture
Pap Smear
STI Testing
Auscultation Fetal Heart Tones
Fundal Height Assessment
Pregnancy Test
EPPDS Screening
Pelvic Exam
Testicular Exam
Prostate Exam/DRE
Urodynamic Study
Aerosol/Inhalation Administration
Interpret Laboratory/Diagnostic Testing
Informed Consent
Normal Growth and Development evaluation
Cerumen Impaction Removal (irrigation)
Cerumen Impaction Removal (curette)
Fluorescein Staining
Wood’s Light Examination
Corneal Foreign Body Removal
Management of Epistaxis (Packing and Removal)
Remove Foreign Body (ear, eye, nose, soft tissue, other)
Peak flow meter Measurement and Interpretation
Pulmonary Function Test Performance and Interpretation
Burn Treatment/dressing
Shave Biopsy
Punch Biopsy
Simple Interrupted Sutures and Suture Removal
Staple Placement
Skin Adhesive Placement
Toenail Avulsion
Incision and Drainage
Subungual Hematoma Evacuation
Skin Tag Removal
Wart destruction/removal
Wound Care and Debridement
Steri Strip Application
Tick Removal
KOH skin slide for fungus
Hemorrhoid, excision of thrombus
Local/Field Block for Anesthesia
Digital Block for Anesthesia
Trigger Point Injection
Joint Injection
Basic microscopy (yeast, BV)
Contraceptive Placement (Long term)
IUD Placement and Removal