Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In RES-831 and/or RSD-851, you presented your initial draft(s) of part of your Prospectus Template. In this assignment, you will consider the feedback recei - Homeworkfixit


In RES-831 and/or RSD-851, you presented your initial draft(s) of part of your Prospectus Template. In this assignment, you will consider the feedback received on your prospectus defense submission, prior discussions, feedback from peers, and additional readings from the literature to revise/complete your Prospectus Template slides.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to the problem space and problem statement you presented in the Topic 2 and Topic 4 assignments in this course and any related instructor feedback you received. Pay close attention to whether you took a quantitative or qualitative approach to your topic. You will need to continue that approach here unless the instructor has indicated a need for you to change.
  • Refer to “Prospectus Defense” assignment in RES-831 and any revisions made since that submission.
  • Locate the “Prospectus Template” on the DC Network and download either the quantitative or qualitative template depending on your selected methodology. Note: A new template may be needed if changes have been made to the methodology since the last submission.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral-level writing. The manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
  • This assignment requires the inclusion of at least two scholarly research sources related to this topic and at least one in-text citation from each source.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Based on the methodology of your potential dissertation topic, select the appropriate prospectus template: “Quantitative Prospectus PPT” or “Qualitative Prospectus PPT.”

Revise/complete the following template slides to describe and defend your potential study. Your choices must be defended with relevant current research.

  1. Proposed Dissertation Topic Title
  2. Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment.
  3. Literature Review: Background to the Problem
  4. Literature Review: Problem Space
  5. Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations
  6. Literature Review: Review of Literature
  7. Problem Statement
  8. Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative)
  9. Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative)
  10. Methodology Justification. Note: Include a rationale for not choosing the other methodology.
  11. Design. Note: Complete the entire table per the slide requirements.
  12. Feasibility

Qualitative Prospectus Instructions for Learners

General Instructions

Additional Information for Completing Each Slide

Use this template only if you have a Qualitative topic.

This is a working document. You will work on and revise this PPT starting in year one of your program up through x-955.

Instructions per Course Type:

Research (RES) Courses: Refer to your course syllabus to determine which slides you should complete or revise.

Residency (RSD) Courses & Dissertation:

RSD-851 – complete slides in RSD1 section.

RSD-883/881 & x-955 – revise/update slides from RSD1 and complete slides in RSD2 section.

Requirements, hints, and alignment notes are found in the Speaker Notes section.

To view speaker notes, click the “View” tab at the top of the application and select “notes.”

Hint: You may need to expand the notes section in order to see all of the notes contained for each slide.

To view comments/feedback from faculty, click the “review” tab at the top of the application and select “Show Comments.”



Instructions for Faculty

General Instructions

Additional Information

Written feedback is to be provided via bubble comments.

Comments can be created by holding Ctrl+M (for PC) or Command+Shift+M (Mac) on your keyboard, or via the Review tab.

To access the Comment pane, click the “review” tab and select “Show comments.”

The notes section in each slide contains the slide requirements.

Feedback should be focused on helping the learner meet the slide requirements.

See the supplementary faculty job aid materials for grading and other resources.


The Integration of Adaptive Learning Technologies in Traditional Classroom Environments

Guerline Pierre Joseph

Dr. Jacobs




Alignment Table


 Problem Statement: It is not known how to effectively integrate adaptive learning technologies with traditional classroom instruction to optimize student learning outcomes and address diverse learner needs across various educational contexts and subject areas. Purpose Statement: The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study is to explore the processes, challenges, and strategies involved in integrating adaptive learning technologies within traditional classroom environments across K-12 and higher education settings, in order to develop a comprehensive framework for effective implementation that optimizes student learning outcomes and addresses diverse learner needs. 
Phenomena The process of integrating adaptive learning technologies in traditional classroom environments, including implementation strategies, stakeholder experiences, challenges and opportunities, and impact on teaching and learning practices.
Research Question(s): RQ1: How do educators experience the integration of adaptive learning technologies in their classroom instruction? RQ2: What factors contribute to the successful implementation of adaptive learning technologies in diverse educational contexts? RQ3: How do students perceive and engage with adaptive learning technologies in traditional classroom settings?
Methodology & Justification: Qualitative methodology using a multiple case study design to explore complex processes and contexts (Creswell & Poth, 2024). Design & Justification: Multiple case study design to allow for in-depth examination of integration practices across diverse settings and facilitate emergence of unexpected themes and insights.

This alignment table demonstrates the coherence of my research design. The problem statement highlights the gap in our understanding of effectively integrating adaptive learning technologies in classrooms. The purpose statement outlines my intention to explore this integration process across various educational contexts. The research questions are designed to investigate the experiences of educators and students and the factors influencing successful implementation. The qualitative methodology, specifically a multiple case study design, aligns with these elements by allowing for an in-depth exploration of the complex processes and contextual factors involved in integrating adaptive learning technologies.


Literature Review: Background to the Problem

Evolution of adaptive learning technologies (1960s to present)

Current state: Improved outcomes but implementation challenges (Vincent-Ruz & Boase, 2022)

Accelerated adoption post-COVID-19 (Jing et al., 2023)

Need for research on long-term impacts and best practices (Harati et al., 2021)

Gap: Lack of understanding on effective integration in diverse contexts (Cebrián et al., 2020)


Adaptive learning technologies have evolved significantly since their inception in the 1960s. Initially developed as basic computer-assisted instruction, these systems have grown more sophisticated with artificial intelligence and learning analytics advancements. Research has shown potential benefits, including improved learning outcomes and increased student engagement (Vincent-Ruz & Boase, 2022). However, implementation and integration challenges with existing curricula persist (Harati et al., 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated adoption, but questions remain about long-term impacts and best practices for classroom integration (Jing et al., 2023). This background sets the stage for understanding the current state of adaptive learning technology in education and the need for further research.


Literature Review: Problem Space

State of the problem: Limited understanding of effective integration strategies

Known aspects: Potential for improved learning outcomes and personalization

Unknown aspects: Best practices for implementation across diverse contexts

Directions for future research: Long-term impacts, teacher roles, equity considerations

Synthesis: There is a need for comprehensive framework to guide effective integration


The problem space for this study emerged from several key areas identified in recent literature. These include the need for effective integration strategies across diverse subjects and contexts (Cebrián et al., 2020), limited understanding of long-term impacts on student outcomes and self-regulated learning skills (Harati et al., 2021), and the effect of adaptive technologies on teacher roles and pedagogical practices (Toth et al., 2021; Khan & Khojah, 2021). Additionally, there's a need for best practices in designing systems that address diverse learning needs (Gligorea et al., 2023) and ethical considerations for equitable implementation (Li et al., 2021). These areas highlight the complexity of the problem and the need for comprehensive research to guide effective implementation.


Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations

Self-Directed Learning (SDL) framework (Toth et al., 2021)

Adaptive learning theory (Gligorea et al., 2023)

Cognitive load theory (Bradáč et al., 2022)


This study is grounded in three key theoretical frameworks. The Self-Directed Learning (SDL) framework, as employed by Toth et al. (2021), provides a structure for examining how adaptive technologies influence learner autonomy. Adaptive learning theory, discussed by Gligorea et al. (2023), offers insights into personalized instruction and its impact on learning outcomes. Cognitive load theory, explored by Bradáč et al. (2022), helps us understand how these technologies can optimize cognitive resources. Together, these theories provide a comprehensive lens through which to examine the integration of adaptive learning technologies in classroom environments, considering aspects of learner autonomy, personalization, and cognitive processing.


Literature Review: Review of Literature

Major Topic/Theme (name the topic) Topic/Theme Description (2-3 sentences with at least 3 in-text citations per topic)
Effectiveness of Adaptive Learning Technologies Adaptive learning technologies have shown promise in improving student outcomes and engagement across various educational contexts (Vincent-Ruz & Boase, 2022). However, effectiveness varies depending on implementation strategies and subject areas, highlighting the need for context-specific research (Shih et al., 2023).
Integration Strategies in Classroom Environments Successful integration of adaptive learning technologies requires careful planning and alignment with existing curricula and pedagogical practices (Cebrián et al., 2020). Teachers play a crucial role in the integration process, necessitating appropriate professional development and support (Toth et al., 2021).
Design Principles for Adaptive Learning Systems Effective adaptive learning systems should be designed with user experience and pedagogical frameworks in mind (Gligorea et al., 2023). Key design principles include personalization, real-time feedback, and alignment with cognitive load theory (Bradáč et al., 2022).
Data Analytics and Personalization in Education Data analytics in adaptive learning systems enable personalized learning experiences and inform instructional decision-making (Jing et al., 2023). However, the use of learner data raises concerns about privacy and the ethical use of predictive analytics in education (Li et al., 2021).
Ethical Considerations and Equity in Adaptive Learning The implementation of adaptive learning technologies must address issues of equity, ensuring equal access and benefits for all students (Li et al., 2021). Ethical considerations include algorithmic bias, data privacy, and the potential for technology to exacerbate existing educational inequalities (Gligorea et al., 2023).


The literature review covers five key themes: effectiveness of adaptive learning technologies, integration in classroom environments, design principles, data analytics and personalization, and ethical considerations. Studies have shown mixed results in effectiveness across different contexts (Vincent-Ruz & Boase, 2022). Integration challenges include teacher training and curriculum alignment (Cebrián et al., 2020). Design principles focus on user experience and pedagogical frameworks (Gligorea et al., 2023). Data analytics raises questions about privacy and decision-making processes (Jing et al., 2023). Ethical considerations include equity of access and potential biases in adaptive systems (Li et al., 2021). This review highlights the multifaceted nature of the research problem and informs our study design.


Problem Statement

It is not known how to effectively integrate adaptive learning technologies with traditional classroom instruction to optimize student learning outcomes and address diverse learner needs across various educational contexts and subject areas.


The problem statement encapsulates the core issue this study aims to address: "It is not known how to effectively integrate adaptive learning technologies with traditional classroom instruction to optimize student learning outcomes and address diverse learner needs across various educational contexts and subject areas." This statement reflects the gap in current knowledge about practical implementation strategies that can maximize the benefits of adaptive learning while navigating the complexities of diverse educational settings. By focusing on the "how" of integration, this study aims to provide actionable insights for educators and policymakers to improve the implementation of adaptive learning technologies in classrooms.



The process of integrating adaptive learning technologies in traditional classroom environments, including:

Implementation strategies

Stakeholder experiences (educators, students, administrators)

Challenges and opportunities

Impact on teaching and learning practices


The central phenomenon under investigation is the process of integrating adaptive learning technologies in traditional classroom environments. This complex process involves multiple stakeholders, including educators, students, and administrators, and is influenced by various factors such as technological infrastructure, pedagogical approaches, and institutional policies (Toth et al., 2021). By focusing on this phenomenon, we aim to uncover the nuanced interactions between technology and pedagogy, the challenges and opportunities that arise during implementation, and the strategies that lead to successful integration across different educational contexts. This comprehensive exploration will provide a holistic understanding of the integration process


RQ1: How do educators experience the integration of adaptive learning technologies in their classroom instruction?

RQ2: What factors contribute to the successful implementation of adaptive learning technologies in diverse educational contexts?

RQ3: How do students perceive and engage with adaptive learning technologies in traditional classroom settings?

Research Questions


Our research questions are designed to explore different aspects of the central phenomenon. RQ1 focuses on educators' experiences, aiming to uncover the challenges, strategies, and perceptions involved in integrating adaptive learning technologies. RQ2 seeks to identify the factors that contribute to successful implementation, which could include institutional support, professional development, or technological infrastructure. RQ3 examines the student perspective, exploring how learners engage with and perceive these technologies in their traditional classroom settings. Together, these questions provide a comprehensive approach to understanding the integration process from multiple angles, ensuring that we capture the phenomenon's complexity from various stakeholder perspectives.


Methodology Justification

Qualitative Quantitative
Qualitative research is characterized by its focus on in-depth exploration, collection of context-rich data, and flexible design. These attributes allow researchers to adapt their approach as new insights emerge during the study (Yin, 2018). Quantitative research typically involves large sample sizes, statistical analysis, and aims to produce generalizable results (Fischer et al., 2023).
This methodology is particularly well-suited for understanding complex processes and experiences in technology integration, as it enables the capture of nuanced perspectives and contextual factors that influence the implementation of adaptive learning technologies in diverse educational settings (Creswell & Poth, 2024). While this approach can provide valuable insights into broader trends and correlations, it is less suitable for our study's objectives. The in-depth exploration of experiences and contextual factors crucial to understanding the integration of adaptive learning technologies requires a more flexible and interpretive approach than quantitative methods typically allow (Hodge, 2020).


The choice of a qualitative methodology aligns with the exploratory nature of this research. Qualitative methods are particularly suited for understanding complex phenomena in their natural settings and exploring the meanings individuals ascribe to their experiences (Creswell & Poth, 2024). This approach allows us to capture the nuanced interactions between technology, pedagogy, and learning environments that are central to our research problem. While quantitative methods offer valuable insights in many educational research contexts, they are less suitable for addressing our "how" questions and exploring the depth of understanding needed for this complex integration process (Hodge, 2020). The qualitative approach enables us to uncover unexpected themes and insights crucial for studying innovative educational practices.



Design Definition Justification (use /not use)
Qualitative Descriptive Descriptive design aims to provide a detailed account of a phenomenon without manipulating variables (Creswell & Poth, 2024). While it offers rich descriptions, it may not provide the depth of analysis required for understanding the complex process of technology integration.
Phenomenological Phenomenological design focuses on describing the lived experiences of individuals about a particular phenomenon (Creswell & Poth, 2024). Although it could provide insights into stakeholders' experiences, it might not capture the broader contextual factors influencing technology integration.
Narrative Narrative design involves collecting and analyzing stories from individuals to understand their experiences (Creswell & Poth, 2024). While potentially valuable for individual perspectives, it may not adequately address the systemic aspects of technology integration.
Case Study Case study design involves an in-depth examination of a bounded system or multiple bounded systems over time (Yin, 2018). This design allows for a comprehensive exploration of the adaptive learning technology integration process across various educational contexts.
Grounded Theory Grounded theory design aims to generate or discover a theory from data systematically obtained and analyzed (Creswell & Poth, 2024). While useful for theory development, our study's focus is more on understanding existing processes rather than generating new theories.


We've chosen a multiple case study design for this research (Hunziker & Blankenagel, 2024). Case studies allow for an in-depth examination of a bounded system over time, making them ideal for exploring the complex process of adaptive learning technology integration across various educational contexts. This design enables us to investigate multiple cases, comparing and contrasting experiences across different settings. Other qualitative designs were considered but deemed less suitable. For example, phenomenology focuses more on lived experiences than on processes, while grounded theory aims to develop a new theory, which is not our primary goal. The multiple case study design provides the flexibility and depth needed to address our research questions comprehensively.


Feasibility Slide 1

Resources for Study

Ethical Concerns

Access to educational institutions implementing adaptive learning technologies

Recording equipment and analysis software

CITI training completion

Minimal risk to participants

Confidentiality and data protection measures

Informed consent procedures


Ensuring the feasibility of this study is crucial. We've identified key resources needed, including access to educational institutions implementing adaptive learning technologies, recording equipment for interviews and observations, and analysis software for data processing. Ethical concerns have been carefully considered. The study poses minimal risk to participants, and we've developed robust confidentiality and data protection measures. Informed consent procedures will be rigorously followed. We'll complete CITI training to ensure ethical research practices. These considerations demonstrate that our study is not only feasible but also designed to protect participants and maintain high ethical standards throughout the research process.


Feasibility Slide 2

Study Alignment with Program

(Identify Program of Study)

Feasibility Concerns

Degree & Emphasis: Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership

Alignment: Focus on educational technology integration and leadership in implementing innovative practices

Potential challenges in accessing diverse educational settings

Backup plan: Utilize professional networks and online recruitment

Study is feasible with appropriate planning and flexibility


This study aligns well with my Doctor of Education program in Organizational Leadership. The focus on educational technology integration and leadership in implementing innovative practices directly relates to the program's emphasis on organizational change and innovation. In terms of feasibility concerns, we've identified potential challenges in accessing diverse educational settings. To address this, we've developed a backup plan utilizing professional networks and online recruitment strategies. Given the importance of the topic and the careful planning we've done, including addressing potential obstacles, we believe this study is feasible. We're prepared to be flexible and adapt our approach as needed to ensure successful completion of the research.







This slide is a placeholder for your defense of your topic to your residency instructor, peers, and/or dissertation committee.

Learners should be prepared to answer questions about their study, including the key points, alignment, and feasibility.

Slide Requirements:

This slide is for presentation purposes in RSD-851 only – no content is required.

After successful completion of RSD-851, this slide may be deleted.


Next Steps

Refine research design based on feedback

Begin literature review for Chapter 2

Identify potential sites and participants

Develop data collection instruments

Submit for IRB approval


Moving forward, our next steps are crucial for the successful execution of this study. We'll begin by refining our research design based on the feedback received today. The literature review for Chapter 2 will be expanded and updated to ensure a comprehensive foundation. We'll then focus on identifying potential sites and participants, leveraging our professional networks and the criteria we've established. Concurrently, we'll develop our data collection instruments, including interview protocols and observation guides. Finally, we'll prepare and submit our IRB application to ensure all ethical considerations are addressed before beginning data collection. This systematic approach will set a strong foundation for our research.



Purpose Statement

The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study is to explore the processes, challenges, and strategies involved in integrating adaptive learning technologies within traditional classroom environments across K-12 and higher education settings, in order to develop a comprehensive framework for effective implementation that optimizes student learning outcomes and addresses diverse learner needs.


The purpose statement encapsulates the core aim of our research: to explore the processes, challenges, and strategies involved in integrating adaptive learning technologies within traditional classroom environments. By focusing on both K-12 and higher education settings, we aim to develop a comprehensive framework for effective implementation that can be applied across various educational contexts. This study seeks to optimize student learning outcomes while addressing the diverse needs of learners. The multiple case study approach will allow us to gain in-depth insights into the integration process, considering the perspectives of educators, students, and administrators. This comprehensive exploration will contribute valuable knowledge to the field of educational technology and adaptive learning.


Population, Target Population, & Sample

General Population Target Population Sample
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