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Case Study #2

Action Items

1. Read the assigned texts for the module.

2. Read this Leadership Challenge:

· You step into your role as principal of Samuel Proctor Elementary School in July, eager to lead after six years as a dedicated teacher. The school buzzes with the energy of a new academic year as you navigate the halls, ready to make a positive impact. However, in just the second week of school, your optimism is shattered by the cacophony of chaos echoing from a classroom down the hall. As you rush towards the commotion, voices escalate into screams, punctuated by the clatter of falling books. It’s a scene of discord that sends alarm bells ringing through your mind. Upon arrival, you find one of your first-year teachers, Ms. Ramirez, struggling to maintain order amidst the turmoil. The classroom resembles a battleground with no semblance of structure or discipline in place. Investigating further, you discover that Ms. Ramirez lacks a management system to establish order and create a conducive learning environment. Students roam freely around the room, oblivious to the teacher’s attempts to maintain control. Interruptions are rampant as students disregard boundaries, tormenting the class goldfish, pilfering snacks from lunchboxes, and derailing lessons with off-topic questions. It’s evident that Ms. Ramirez is earnest in her efforts but is overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task at hand. Simple tasks like taking attendance and introducing activities become Herculean endeavors in the face of relentless disruptions. As the principal, you recognize the urgent need for intervention to support Ms. Ramirez and restore order to the classroom. However, it’s not just about quelling the immediate chaos; it’s about equipping Ms. Ramirez with the tools and strategies needed to effectively manage her classroom in the long term.

3. Think about the following questions:

C. How would you approach the situation?

C. Which problem behaviors should the teacher tackle first?

C. Would giving rewards or administering punishments be useful in this situation? Why or why not? What specific suggestions would you give to this teacher?

C. What action would you take?