Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Every new tech that is created is a double-edged sword, and the goal this week is for you to look at CCTV from both sides of the proverbial sword. After your - Homeworkfixit

 Every new tech that is created is a double-edged sword, and the goal this week is for you to look at CCTV from both sides of the proverbial sword. After your readings are completed, you will want to go into your readings and/or do some additional research into the use of CCTV. You are to present to the class two examples of the use of CCTV, one which is centered around the benefits of the technology and another which shows the dangers of the technology. 

 CriteriaExemplaryAccomplishedDevelopingBeginningDid Not AttemptCriterion ScoreDemonstrates Careful Research and Inquiry into Subject50 points

Initial post shows detailed research and original thought beyond the obvious.

42.5 points

Initial post indicates research was thorough and addresses all the requirements.

37.5 points

Initial post relies primarily on a summary of events/information.

32.5 points

Initial post suggests research was cursory or barely addresses discussion topic.

0 points

Initial post gives little indication that research was conducted or is not relevant to the discussion requirement.

Score of Demonstrates Careful Research and Inquiry into Subject,/ 50Engagement with Others30 points

Shows concerted effort to engage with others through timely and detailed responses beyond the minimal requirement and beyond obvious responses. This can include advancing the discussion with:
– Posing a thoughtful question;
– Sharing additional content or sources;
– Sharing insights or offers perspective;
– Providing alternative point-of-view;
– Making additional connections to the topic.

25.5 points

Makes required number of peer responses and engages with all on own thread; engagement with others is focused and on topic.

22.5 points

Makes required number of peer responses and some engagement on own thread; engagement posts are focused and mostly on topic.

19.5 points

Replies only to posts on own thread or only to others' initial posts.

0 points

Ignores other posts in own thread; does not respond to others' initial posts; or responds off topic.

Score of Engagement with Others,/ 30Writing Quality20 points

Posts are clear and articulate with no errors. Full citations are provided.

17 points

Post contains less than 2 errors; sources match any direct quotes.

15 points

Posts contains several errors; sources are listed at the end.

13 points

Post contains some erors, uses text-messaging shortcuts, or may be hard to follow. Sources are missing or incomplete.

0 points

Post contains multiple errors; diction is informal and/or inappropriate. No citation/source is provided.

Score of Writing Quality,/ 20TotalScore of STEM470 Discussion Rubric,/ 100

Overall Score


90 points minimum


80 points minimum


70 points minimum


60 points minimum

Did Not Attempt

0 points minimum