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A) Discuss the evolution of the HR role from administrative to strategic.

●What internal and external factors were involved in this transition?

●Rank and discuss the top three skills needed by HR professionals to be effective as strategic business partners. Provide your rationale with supporting evidence.

B) Reflect on the HR function in your current organization or an organization you have worked for in the past.

●Evaluate the HR role in the organization and discuss the alignment between HR priorities and the organizational strategy (do not name the organization).

●Did you see evidence of a strategic focus? Support your position with specific examples.

Question 2:

A) Discuss how an organization’s diversity strategy can support the business strategy. Provide at least three specific examples and explain why and how they support organizational success.

B) Consider the organization you work for or one you have worked for in the past and evaluate the diversity program. How was it effective and how did it support the strategic goals of the organization? If it was not effective, explain what factors made it ineffective.

Question 3:

Some organizations follow a lengthy, complex selection process, whereas in other organizations the process may be more streamlined. Some may view the longer and more complex selection process to be more valid.

A) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a lengthier process versus a more streamlined (shorter) one? Consider the perspectives of both the job seekers and the organization and the tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness. As a job seeker, what process would you prefer to follow and why?

B) Consider the selection process for an organization where you were ultimately hired. How would you describe the process from a candidate perspective? Do you believe it was effective? Why or why not?

Question 4:

A) Why is retention such a major focus for human resource managers? How does focusing on retention add strategic value to the organization?

B) How would you go about developing an employee retention program for your organization?

●Be specific in terms of what steps you would you take.

●What might be your biggest challenge and why?

●What type of metrics would you need to obtain? Discuss at least two. Why did you select these metrics?