Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Compare across a set of variables that might be meaningfully related, and then discuss what the comparison shows in text. Note that to make a table or char - Homeworkfixit

Compare across a set of variables that might be meaningfully related, and then discuss what the comparison shows in text. Note that to make a table or chart from these variables, you would have to set it up yourself using the means you computed from the data 

You can choose one of two sets below to run the comparison, whichever is the simplest

* relationship to transportation are ordinal

*locating_counseling to communicating_with_professor

* locate_counseling to communicate_with_professor are all nominal

There are three options you can choose from far as the comparisons; the comparisons are side by side. (for example relationship to transportation)

Attachments: For the excel sheet- You should be analyzing sheet 1 for the data for the variables and I have also attached the codebook if you need it.

10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

Data Dictionary Codebook

Project College Success (B) (PID: 27427) 10/04/2024 11:09am


Instrument Form Name

Project College Success project_college_success

# Variable / Field Name

Field Label Field Note

Field Attributes (Field Type, Validation, Choices, Calculations, etc.)

Instrument: Project College Success (project_college_success) Enabled as survey

1 [record_id] Record ID text

2 [did_you_transfer_

fr om_a_co]

Did you transfer from a Virginia community college to a 4-year college/university in Virginia?

radio, Required

1 Yes

2 No

Stop actions on 2

3 [college] Which community college did you attend? dropdown (autocomplete), Required

1 Richard Bland Community College

2 Blue Ridge Community College

3 Central Virginia Community College

4 Dabney S. Lancaster Community College

5 Danville Community College

6 Eastern Shore Community College

7 Germanna Community College

8 J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

9 John Tyler Community College

0 Lord Fairfax Community College

1 Mountain Empire Community College

2 New River Community College

3 Northern Virginia

Community College

14 Patrick Henry Community College

15 Paul D. Camp Community College

6 Piedmont Virginia Community College

7 Rappahannock Community ollege

8 Southside Virginia Community College 1/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

1 9

Southwest Virginia Community College

0 Thomas Nelson Community College

Tidewater Community College

2 Virginia Highlands Community College

3 Virginia Western Community College

4 Wytheville Community College

25 I transferred from a community college in another


6 Prefer not to answer

4 [anx_dep] Do you currently experience any of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

radio, Required

1 Feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety

2 Feelings of sadness, depression, or hopelessness

3 None of the above

Stop actions on 3

5 [help]

Show the field ONLY i f: [anx_dep] = '1' or [anx_ dep] = '2'

I first sought or received help for my mental health concerns:

radio, Required

1 Prior to COVID shutdown (i.e., prior to March 2020)

2 After COVID shutdown started (i.e, after March 2020)

3 Have not sought or received help

6 [gender] Section Header:

How do you identify yourself?


1 Woman

2 Man

4 Gender variant/non-binary

5 Not listed

6 Prefer not to answer

7 [race_eth] Which race/ethnicity best describes you? checkbox

American Indian or ka Native

2 race_eth A

Black or African rican

Hispanic or Latino

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

You may choose more than one. 2/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

6 race_eth___ 6


Two or more races, ethnicities, or origins

8 race_eth

Prefer not to answer

8 [veteran] Have you ever served in any branch of the US military (active duty, veteran, National Guard, or reserves)?


1 Yes

2 No

9 [first_gen] Are you the first generation in your family to attend college?


1 Yes

2 No

3 Not sure

10 [age] What is your age? radio

1 18-22

2 23-26

3 27-30

4 31-35

5 36-40

6 41-45

7 46-50

8 51-55

9 56-60

10 61-65

11 Over 65

11 [zip] What is the 5-digit zip code of your home residence/permanent address (not your school zip code)?


12 [full_part] Are you currently enrolled full-time or part time?


1 Full-time (enrolled in 12 or more credit hours per semester)

2 Part-time (enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours per semester)

13 [length] When did you transfer to your 4-year college or university?


1 Spring 2021

2 Summer 2021

3 Fall 2021

14 [relationship] Section Header: Thinking about all of the current

radio (Matrix) demands in your life, please rate the extent to which

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

each of the following has contributed to your anxiety, nervousness, depression or sadness:

Personal/Family life relationships 3/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

15 [school] School radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

16 [work] Work radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

17 [my_health] My health radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

18 [loved_one] The health of a loved one radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

19 [financial] Financial issues radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

20 [food] Food insecurity radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

21 [housing] Homelessness/Housing insecurity radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes 4/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

22 [finding_childcare] Finding childcare radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

23 [transportation] Transportation radio (Matrix)

1 Doesn't contribute at all

2 Rarely contributes

3 Occasionally contributes

4 Very often contributes

24 [locating_counsel

in g]

Section Header: When you were planning and in the process of transferring to a 4-year college or university, how concerned were you about the following aspects of the process?

Locating mental health counseling

radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

25 [finding_my_way_ar

ou nd_camp]

Learning my way around campus radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

26 [making_friends] Making friends radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

27 [finding_dss] Finding the Disability Support Services (DSS) office

radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

28 [finding_wellness_

re sources]

Finding wellness resources, such as relaxation, stress reduction, the gym, wellness centers, etc.

radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

29 [joining_sig] Joining special interest groups or clubs radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned 5/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

30 [credits_transfer] Making sure my credits transferred radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

31 [finding_a_place_t

o_ live]

Finding a place to live radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

32 [finding_a_job] Finding a job radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

33 [hlth_svcs] Locating on-campus health services radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

34 [personal_safety] Maintaining my personal safety radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

35 [staying_healthy] Staying healthy radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

36 [acad_advisor] Connecting with my academic advisor radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned 6/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

37 [increase_anxiety] Experiencing increased anxiety and depression

radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

38 [anticipating_acad

em ic_dema]

Anticipating academic demands radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

39 [communicating_wit

h_ profess]

Communicating with professors radio (Matrix)

1 Not concerned at all

2 A little concerned

3 Somewhat concerned

4 Very concerned

40 [locate_counseling] Section Header: Once I transferred, I was able

to: Locate mental health counseling radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

41 [learn_my_way_arou

nd _campus]

Learn my way around campus radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

42 [make_friends] Make friends radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

43 [find_the_dss_offic Find the Disability Support Services (DSS)

radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

office e] 7/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

44 [find_wellness_res

ou rces_su]

Find wellness resources, such as relaxation, stress reduction, the gym, wellness centers, etc.

radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

45 [join_special_inte

re st_grou]

Join special interest groups or clubs radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

46 [make_sure_my_cred

it s_trans]

Make sure my credits transferred radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

47 [found_a_place_to_

li ve]

Find a place to live radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

48 [found_a_job] Find a job radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do 8/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

49 [locate_campus_hea

lt h_servi]

Locate campus health services radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

50 [maintain_my_perso

na l_safet]

Maintain my personal safety radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

51 [stay_healthy] Stay healthy radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

52 [connect_with_my_a

ca demic_a]

Connect with my academic advisor radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

53 [reduce_my_anxiety

_a nd_depr]

Reduce my anxiety and depression radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

54 [fulfill_academic_de Fulfill academic demands radio (Matrix)

Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

mands] 9/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

55 [communicate_with_

pr ofessor]

Communicate with professors radio (Matrix)

1 Not a concern

2 On my own

3 With help from a friend

4 With help from university/college faculty or staff member

5 Wasn't able to do

56 [how_do_you_attend

_c lass]

How do you attend class? radio

1 All of my classes are online

2 All of my classes are in person

3 Hybrid (some classes are online, some are in person)

57 [employment] What is your work status? radio

1 Full-time

2 Part-time

3 Not currently working

58 [dss_register] Are you registered with the office for disability services on your campus as having a documented disability?


1 Yes

0 No

59 [camp_connect_yes] I know how to locate a campus resource to help with my mental health concerns.


1 Yes

0 No

60 [navigate_help] My experience with connecting with someone on my campus was the following:


1 I connected and was able to locate mental health resources with their help

2 I connected and did not receive a response

3 I connected, but was not able to locate mental health resources with their help

4 Not applicable (did not connect or attempt to connect with someone)

61 [will_use] Choose all of the following resources that checkbox

1 will_use___1 Disability Support Services

2 will_use___2 Academic advisors

you have accessed and that have helped reduce your mental health concerns: 10/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

3 will_use___3 Faculty members/instructor


4 will_use___4 Career center

5 will_use___5 Peer support groups

6 will_use___6 Military Student Services

7 will_use___7 Special interest groups (i.e., sports, hobby)

8 will_use___8 Administrators

9 will_use___9 CARE Team (Campus Assessment Response & Evaluation)

0 Designated "safe" iet spaces

11 will_use

12 will R

counseling in the community (outside of college)

13 will_use counselor

5 Wellness-focus ed activities or resources

62 [overall] With the existing resources available at my college or university, I feel like my mental health needs are being met.


1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree

5 Strongly Agree

63 [move_forward] Which of the following virtual options would checkbox

1 move_forwa V

meetings to discuss mental health concerns

2 move_fo T

meetings with campus mental health counselors

be helpful to you and your mental health moving forward, even after everyone comes back to campus in person? (Choose all that apply.)

3 move_forward___3 Virtual meetings to connect with other students 11/12 10/4/24, 11:09 AM Project College Success (B) | REDCap

through common interests, clubs, etc.

4 move_forwar O

64 [thank_you_for_you

r_ respons]

Thank you for your response!

You will be directed to Google Form that is not connected to this survey to provide your information for the gift card payment.


65 [project_college_s

uc cess_complete]

Section Header: Form Status



0 Incomplete

1 Unverified

2 Complete 12/12



record_id project_college_success_timestamp Consent did_you_transfer_from_a_co college anx_dep anx_dep anx_dep2 anx_dep3 help gender race_eth___1 race_eth___2 race_eth___3 race_eth___4 race_eth___5 race_eth___6 race_eth___7 race_eth___8 race_eth___9 veteran first_gen age zip full_part length relationship school work my_health loved_one financial food housing finding_childcare transportation locating_counseling finding_my_way_around_camp making_friends finding_dss finding_wellness_resources joining_sig credits_transfer finding_a_place_to_live finding_a_job hlth_svcs personal_safety staying_healthy acad_advisor increase_anxiety anticipating_academic_dema communicating_with_profess locate_counseling learn_my_way_around_campus make_friends find_the_dss_office find_wellness_resources_su join_special_interest_grou make_sure_my_credits_trans found_a_place_to_live found_a_job locate_campus_health_servi maintain_my_personal_safet stay_healthy connect_with_my_academic_a reduce_my_anxiety_and_depr fulfill_academic_demands communicate_with_professor how_do_you_attend_class employment dss_register camp_connect_yes navigate_help will_use___1 will_use___2 will_use___3 will_use___4 will_use___5 will_use___6 will_use___7 will_use___8 will_use___9 will_use___10 will_use___11 will_use___12 will_use___13 will_use___15 overall move_forward___1 move_forward___2 move_forward___3 move_forward___4 project_college_success_complete
1 11/5/21 10:02 1 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 7 23233 1 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3