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N508 Theory and Research

Module 1 Discussion

Why is a literature review an important part of the planning phase? What impact should the literature have on current research?

N508 Theory and Research

Module 2 Discussion

How are theory and research connected? Provide one example of how theory supports research or how research supports theory from the nursing literature.

N508 Theory and Research

Module 3 Discussion

How has history defined and shaped modern ethics in nursing research? What are some additional issues or personal examples you can think of that can further our understanding of ethics in research? Explain.

N508 Theory and Research

Module 4 Discussion

What are some issues to consider when using face validity? What are some potential pitfalls to avoid, and how would you avoid them? Give a couple examples

N508 Theory and Research

Module 5 Discussion

In your opinion, is it possible to perform a truly and totally pure structured interview? For example, how can you negotiate a participant that tends to add more than the question requires? Explain.

N508 Theory and Research

Module 6 Discussion

Discuss the focus of ethnographic analysis. How do you plan to account for such issues as bias, subjectivity, and objectivity in order to provide a quality and ethical ethnographic analysis? Give a few examples

N508 Theory and Research

Module 7 Discussion

Argue the pros and cons of evidence-based practice (EBP). Why would a focus on EBP be good for the discipline of nursing? How can barriers to the use of EBP be overcome?

N508 Theory and Research

Module 8 Discussion

Visit an Internet resource devoted to evidence-based practice (Cochrane Collaboration, AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse, or Bandolier Evidence Based Journal). Review a summary systematic review on a topic of interest. Present your findings to your classmates, and illustrate how this may or may not be used in practice.