Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Summarize Marx and Engels (1908) arguments about the importance of commodities to capitalism ?(.5 point) ?–State your reaction to being classified b - Homeworkfixit

Directions   (2.5 points)

–Using at least 100 words, summarize Marx and Engels (1908) arguments about the importance of commodities to capitalism  (.5 point)

 –State your reaction to being classified by Marx and Engels (1908) as a commodity  (.5 point)

 —State 1 implication for you being a commodity in capitalist production  (.5 point)

—Show your reading by using Purdue owl/APA formats to correctly cite one supportive   

    scholarly source = (.5 point)

—Use of English = (.5 point)


References/Assignment Resources 

Marx, K. & Engels, F. (1908). Manifesto of the Communist Party. New York, NY: New York Labor News Co.