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Name Cause Sign/symptoms Diagnostics Treatment Concerns Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Tick bite Rickettsia rickettsii

Fever, chills, severe headache, n/v, photophobia, myalgia, conjunctival injection, arthralgia; 2-5 days after onset – rash (petechiae) starts on hands/feet to trunk (palmar rash)

Antibody titers to rickettsia Punch biopsy CBC, LFT, CSF

Doxycycline 100mg BID for 7-14 days – can be fatal if not started on treatment within 8 days. Remove tick by grasping closest to skin and apply steady upward pressure

Can be fatal (3- 9%) Highest in southeast ern/sout h central regions of US Most common Apr – Sept

Erythema Migrans (Lyme disease) Meningococ cemia

Varicella / Zoster

Malignant Melanoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Actinic Keratosis

Erythema Multiforme (Stevens- Johnson syndrome)

Differential Diagnoses of Eye Emergencies

Name Cause Signs/Sym ptoms

Diagnostics Treatments Concerns

Corneal Abrasion

Trauma, foreign body, incorrect use of contact lenses

Acute onset severe eye pain with tearing. Reports feeling of foreign body sensation

Eye exam with Fluorescein dye

Flush eye with sterile normal saline. Evert eyelid to look for foreign body. Topical antibiotic trimethoprim- polymyxin B (Polytrim),Ciproflox acin (Ciloxan), Ofloxacin (Ocuflox) to affected eye 3-5 days. Do not patch eye.

Contact Lens- Related Keratitis – acute onset red eye, blurred vision, watery eyes, photoph obia, foreign body sensation

Hordeolum (Stye)

Chalazion Pinguecula Pterygium Subconjunctiv al Hemorrhage

Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

Macular Degeneration

Differential Diagnoses of Common Headaches

Name Sign/symptom s

Aggravating factors

Acute treatment


Migraine Without Aura

Throbbing pain behind one eye, photophobia, N/V phonophobia, last 4-72 hr.

Red wine, MSG, aspartame, menstruation, stress

Ice pack on forehead, rest in dark quiet room Triptans, Tigan suppositorie

TCAs Episodic migraine (<14 days per month) Beta-blockers

Migraine With Aura

Trigeminal Neuralgia (CN V)

Cluster Muscle Tension