HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval
Module 5 Quiz
Question 1
What alternative term has been suggested recently for hard-to-reach?
Hard to access
Hardly reached
Question 2
For population-based evaluations, it is highly desirable to have what type of data on members of the population to determine if an intervention effect occurred?
Ordinal data
Baseline data
Aggregate data
Qualitative data
Question 3
Which of the following is related to nonresponse bias?
Social desirability
Response set pattern
A & B
B & D
Question 4
What type of study design is generally used when the outcome is bounded?
Retrospective case-control design
Two-group prospective design
Multiple-group time-series design
Ecological design
Question 5
Which of the following goes beyond merely documenting that the objectives were met by quantifying the extent to which the interventions seem related to changes observed or measured among program recipients?
Outcome documentation evaluation
Outcome assessment evaluation
Outcome interpretation evaluation
Outcome progression evaluation
Question 6
Random assignment refers to the random identification from the intended population of those who will be in the program or the evaluation.
Question 7
Client goals are not reliable unless there is a strict standard that is used to establish the goals and determine whether the goal was accomplished.
Question 8
The technique to collect data is called methods, and the overall plan for when and from whom data are collected is called design.
Question 9
What type of study design, when used with random assignment, is considered the strongest of evaluation designs?
One-group pretest/posttest
One-group posttest only
Two-group pretest/posttest
Two-group posttest only
Question 10
In general, designs with fewer flaws are more complex and costly and are usually more likely to demonstrate a causal relationship between the health program and outcomes.
Question 11
Which of the following results from minimizing natural flaws associated with doing evaluations that might otherwise diminish the evaluator’s ability to identify the amount of effect of the program?
Question 12
Which example(s) are an issue of validity?
Data entry errors
Only one reading taken by one evaluator for the data point in a study that uses blood pressure as one of the indicators
Administration of a food frequency questionnaire to a 7-year-old
A Likert scale survey question whose only options are “agree” and “disagree”
Question 13
Which of the following does not contribute to the difficulty in finding any effect from a program intervention? Select all that apply.
Having a weak or ineffective intervention
Having measures with low validity
Having measures with low reliability
Having low coverage
Question 14
Techniques used to collect data are called methods.
Question 15
A community agency wanted to know if its school condom distribution program was having an effect on rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teens. The only available and relevant secondary data was collected a few years prior, but the stakeholders did not believe that this data reflected their community. In addition, the local school board denied evaluators access to its students to collect evaluation data. Therefore, the program staff was forced to restate its question to focus on the number of students who received free condoms from the program over the past year. The revised evaluation question is what type of evaluation?
Outcome Evaluation
Process Evaluation
Impact Evaluation
None of the above