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N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 1 Assignment


For this assignment, you are given a real-world scenario as follows:

The Health Commissioner of the state health department wants to commemorate public health nurses at a press conference during Nurses’ Week in May. As one of the nurse consultants at the state office, you have been assigned to develop talking points for the State Health Commissioner’s presentation.

The topic you have been assigned is on the history of nursing’s role in public health development. There will be other topics discussed, and an award is given for the year’s public health nurse. She has scheduled 15-20 minutes for this presentation on the history.

Create 5-10 talking points for the presentation but no more than two pages. Each talking point should be between 2-4 sentences. Please indicate each talking point with a bullet. Each talking point should include one succinct message. Statistics can be used but must be interesting and easy for a general audience to understand. Below is a sample.

Up to 20% of pregnant women and new mothers experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression. That would mean that in Virginia in 2009, of the 104,979 live births, an estimated 20,996 mothers struggled with moderate to severe perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. (VDH, Division of Health Statistics, 2009)

There should be at least 2 APA style cited references appropriately cited in the talking points and listed at the end noted as references.

Assignment Expectations

Length: Presentation should be no more than 2-pages, 5-10 talking points, 2 sentences each.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. Include images and graphics.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly citations to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module 1.docx”)

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 2 Assignment


What are some of the common databases readily available to use for public health programs/initiatives, program planning, monitoring, and evaluation? What other databases have you used in the past? Are there other data elements you expected or wanted but failed to find a database?

Include at least the U.S. Census, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), National Immunization Survey (NIS), National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and Guttmacher Institute in your inventory. It is suggested the student complete a chart based on the following format:


Type of data

Level of data




Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)

Pregnancy and postpartum

Nationally, available for participating states


CDC website and/or state website

Not available for all states.

Column 1: Give the complete name of the database.

Column 2: Describe what type of data would be found in this database.

Column 3: Give the lowest denominator level such as national, state, city or county, census tract, or neighborhood.

Column 4: Describe when the data is available on time frames, such as annually or biannually, or every five years.

Column 5: Describe where the data can be found and how it can be obtained.

Column 6: Add any pertinent information; you may want to identify whether this database is private or government.

What is the difference between incidence and prevalence? How would the public health nurse use these concepts in examining statistics regarding the health district she resides in. Give an example of when incidence would be used; give an example when using prevalence data may be more appropriate.

What is the purpose of the development of Healthy People Objectives? Have you used these objectives in any of your work experience? If so, in what ways. If not, what factors have contributed to your lack of experience or exposure?

Why is knowledge of epidemiology critical for population nursing practice?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500 – 2000 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions clearly and concisely. Include the table with database data.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHallAssignment1.docx”)

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 3 Assignment


The student may choose one of the following scenarios to respond:

Scenario One:

The pediatric nurse from the local tertiary center has called the health department to report a child in hospitalized with a diagnosis of plumbism. The public health nurse is familiar with this family as she is providing case management for this woman during her pregnancy. There are two other children under the age of 5 in the home. This mother lives in a neighborhood where all the houses were built before in 1940’s and at one time were considered upscale and fashionable. In the last 20 years, many have been abandoned, others have been divided into apartments and most tenants could be described as living in poverty with limited education and underemployed. This neighborhood is located in an older section of a moderately large city.

The Director of Nursing at the city health department has been invited to speak on the issue of lead contamination in this city. The local television station ran a story last week on a child being in the local teaching hospital with lead poisoning. The city council members have also heard from several constituents about the lack of funds to assist them with abatement of the lead in their houses.

Create a PowerPoint® with notes to present to the city council. The slides should answer the questions of what is lead poisoning, why it is dangerous, what can be done about it and what resources may be available to assist. Be sure to show collaboration with the other key partners in addressing this issue. There should be no more than 15-20 slides. Be sure to include a title slide and a final slide with references using the APA style. There should be a balanced amount of appropriate images or graphs with text.

Scenario Two:

The local health department director is going to issue an air quality alert “orange” for the locality which this health department serves. As the public health nurse supervisor you have been assigned to work with the environmental health specialists to prepare a press release. Using the format as provided below, develop a 1-2 page press release. A press release includes the who, what, where, and why and should be succinct and clear. Many press releases include a quote from a local authority e.g. the State Health Commissioner, in order to personalize and add interest. A good public health press release would also include what the average citizen should do; a press release is an opportunity for public health officials to send evidence-based public health messages. Additionally, write a 1500 to 2000 word scholarly essay with at least two references using the APA style should be included.

N680 Public Health Course Press Release

Appendix B: Press/News Release Template

Use the template below to draft your own press release, which should answer, who, what, where, when, why, and how of the event or activity. It also should include a quote from the appropriate person in your organization. The following sample press release includes further explanation of each section.

For Immediate Release – These words should appear in the upper left-hand margin, just under your letterhead. You should capitalize every letter.

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 4 Assignment


Public health officials in state offices usually participate in the analysis of proposed legislation but may have different names for the format or process that is used in that state. For this purposes of this assignment, the term Health Policy Analysis (HPA) will be used with the following format. The student is to create an HPA using one of the following scenarios.

Scenario One:

The nurse consultant in the state office has been assigned to complete the HPA for this bill.

Complete the HPA in clear succinct sentences. At least three references should be cited using the APA style is required.

House Bill No. 240 has been introduced in the state General Assembly by a patron and has been referred to the “Health Committee.” The bill is as follows:

That the code of this state is amended by adding a section to the ? 32.1-134 regarding hospital practice to read: Every hospital providing maternity care shall, prior to releasing each maternity patient, make available to such patient and her husband information about postpartum depression and a list of available treatment options available in the state. This information shall be discussed with the maternity patient with her physician and documented in the patient’s medical record.

Complete a health policy analysis using the following questions:

•Summarize the proposed legislation. Use your own words to describe the intent of the legislation.

•Describe the problem the proposed legislation is intended to address. Use secondary data to further describe the problem as is known from the literature.

•Identify the stakeholders and project the expected opinion. Indicate who would be in support of the legislation and why. Indicate who would not support the legislation and why?

•Examine the risks and benefits of the proposed legislation. If this bill is passed, what would be the expected outcomes and would that have a positive or negative impact on the public health? If this bill is not passed, what would be the positive or negative outcomes?

•Provide discussion as to the projected costs of this legislation if any.

•What would be the recommendation to the Governor?

•Should the Governor strongly support the bill and make a statement that he would sign if passed by the legislature?

•Should the Governor support the bill but express concerns or reservations? If so, what are those concerns? Can the proposed legislation be improved? If so, suggest the amendment/s.

•Should the Governor not support and state that he would veto if it passed the legislature? Give the reasons why the bill should not be supported and vetoed.

Scenario Two:

The student is to search a state regulation regarding hospitals; choose a section/subject area and complete an HPA.

•Give the location using correct nomenclature.

•Summarize the hospital regulation. Use your own words to describe the intent of the regulation.

•Describe the problem/public issue the regulation is intended to address. Use secondary data to further describe the problem/issue as is known from the literature.

•Identify the stakeholders and project the expected opinion. Indicate who was probably in support of the regulation and why. Indicate who probably opposed this regulation and why?

•Examine the risks and benefits of this regulation. If this regulation could be changed, what would be the expected outcomes and would that have a positive or negative impact on the public health. If this regulation remains, what would be the positive or negative outcomes?

•Is this regulation a financial burden for hospitals? If so, provide discussion as to what those costs are associated with this regulation.

•Should there be some changes in this regulation? If so, why? What would be that process?

The assignment should be presented in APA format in a scholarly essay of 1500 to 2000 words. At least two scholarly sources, other than the textbook and provided materials should be utilized.

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 5 Assignment


For this assignment, you are given three real-world scenarios to choose one to develop.

Scenario One:

There has been a case of measles at the local high school reported to the health department. The public health nurse that serves as the school nurse has been assigned to write a press release. Write a press release with appropriate statistics, description of measles, control and prevention strategies.

Using the format as provided on the Welcome to the Course under Resources, develop a 1-2 page press release. A press release includes the who, what, where, and why and should be succinct and clear. Many press releases include a quote from a local authority e.g. the State Health Commissioner in order to personalize and add interest. A good public health press release would also include what the average citizen should do; a press release is an opportunity for public health officials to send evidence-based public health messages. At least two references using the APA style should be included.

Scenario Two:

A patron with eight co-patrons has introduced a bill to the general assembly. House Bill 413 Immunization of children: The parent, guardian or person standing in loco parentis of each child with this state shall cause such child to be immunized by vaccine against diphtheria tetanus, whooping cough and poliomyelitis before such child attains the age of one year, against Haemophilus influenza type before the attains the age of thirty months, and against measles (rubeola), German measles (rubella) and mumps before such child attains the age of two years.

Complete a health policy analysis HPA) using the following format:

•Summarize the proposed legislation. Use your own words to describe the intent of the legislation.

•Describe the problem the proposed legislation is intended to address. Use secondary data to further describe the problem as is known from the literature.

•Identify the stakeholders and project the expected opinion. Indicate who would be in support of the legislation and why. Indicate who would not support the legislation and why?

•Examine the risks and benefits of the proposed legislation. If this bill is passed, what would be the expected outcomes and would that have a positive or negative impact on the public health. If this bill is not passed, what would be the positive or negative outcomes?

•Provide discussion as to the projected costs of this legislation if any.

•What would be the recommendation to the Governor?

•Should the Governor strongly support the bill and make a statement that he would sign if passed by the legislature?

•Should the Governor support the bill but express concerns or reservations? If so, what are those concerns? Can the proposed legislation be improved? If so, suggest the amendment/s

•Should the Governor not support and state that he would veto, if it passed the legislature? Give the reasons why the bill should not be supported and vetoed.

Scenario Three:

The public health nurse has been asked to provide an educational activity at the local assisted living facility regarding influenza, its identification, treatment and prevention for the residences. Compose a written lesson plan including the following elements: a detailed content outline, a description of the teaching method as to exactly what will be planned, and an evaluation plan. Use a matrix (or chart/table) format. Show how each content component will be presented and evaluated. Be creative as to the method of presenting the material. Limit the written plan to 2-3 pages and add a final page with the references. Cite references using APA style.

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 6 Assignment


For this assignment, you are given a real-world scenario as follows:

The Director of Nursing (DON) for the local health department has been assigned by the Medical Director to develop a plan to handle an emergency plan with the local long-term care facility (LTCF). She will serve on a team with the health department emergency preparedness coordinator and the epidemiologist. Neither the DON nor medical director have been in their current positions for more than six months. The DON has resided in the area for several years, had worked at the local hospital for three years before obtaining her current position. The medical director came from another health department in another state. He had been involved in a hurricane which impacted the local nursing home where two patients died due to a food-borne outbreak. The emergency preparedness coordinator is experienced and works with the state level emergency preparedness team. The epidemiologist has lived in the area for 20 years and has been the epidemiologist for over 15 years at this health department. The nurse is assigned to develop a nursing protocol regarding patient care to be included in the disaster plan coordinating agreement between the LTCF and the health department. The health department team will work with representatives from the LTCF nursing department. Use the following template to develop this policy/protocol:

•Designated authority.

•Describe the problem. List the proposed nursing diagnosis.

•Background: Introduce the business case for why developing this protocol is necessary. Provide the data and information to support the protocol.

•Identify other persons needed to serve on this team from both the LTCF and health department.

•Generate a list of what information about the nursing care facility is needed to develop this plan and delineate assignments to the appropriate persons.

•Objectives: Delineate one to three objectives for this plan. Make sure the objectives are in behavioral terms, are measurable and realistic. Include timeframes.

•Proposed Interventions: Develop a comprehensive list of action steps for both the LTCF and the health department to be included in this plan.

•Expected Benefits: Describe the expected benefits and outcome of the interventions taken.

•Audit and evaluation: Describe how the outcomes will be evaluated. Propose what and how pertinent audit findings will be used to evaluate the success of the plan. Describe how ongoing monitoring and review of the strategies will be done.

Include at least three references using the APA style. Keep statements succinct, clear and without opinions. Limit the protocol to no more than three pages.

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 7 Assignment


There will be two scenarios from which the student can choose one:

Scenario One:

From the suggested reading materials, select a home visiting or case management program and summarize in 250 words or less the program goals and objectives and what interventions are provided. Focus on nursing activities when possible. Develop a logic model that would reflect that program. Ensure the critical elements of inputs, outputs, outcomes or impacts are included. There will be aspects of the logic model that will require research so references are required using APA style. Place the detail references on a separate page with the logic model. Click here for a guide to developing and using logic models ( Click here for an example of logic model (

The assignment should be presented in logic model format with APA formatted citations and references. At least two scholarly sources, other than the textbook and provided materials are required.

Scenario Two:

From the suggested reading materials, select an important public health message that would be an important component of community-based program. Create a 60-90 second public service announcement for television. The script must be submitted with references using APA style. Upload your video to YouTube. Paste the link on a Word document and submit to the dropbox. Be sure to include a cover page. Module 8 will be requiring an in depth community-based program so choosing a similar or the same topic area for both Modules is encouraged.

N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing

Module 8 Assignment

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

Signature Assignment Title: Overview of Public Health Nursing

Signature Assignment Description/Directions: Presentation

In October, 2017 President Donald J. Trump declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency. The public health nurse is in a unique position to lead, develop, and implement programs to address this crisis. For this presentation, the learner will:

•Examine the significance of the opioid crisis in the learner’s home state.

•Analyze and discuss the different approaches that the state is using to address this public health emergency (e.g. addiction prevention education, medication disposal programs naloxone distribution programs, needle exchange programs, mental health and addiction services, partnerships among health and law enforcement agencies).

•Identify or create a program that you feel would benefit the local community. Present an overview of the program, identify the goal of the program, provide objectives for the program, describe the planned interventions, identify the community stakeholders who should be a part of the planning process, discuss how the program will be monitored and evaluated, identify potential challenges and methods for engaging the community, and discuss budget needs to launch the program.

•Discuss the role of the public health nurse as a community advocate, leader, and change agent.

This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use at least four scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.

Total Point Value of Signature Assignment: 400 points