N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 1 Discussion
The terms population and community are frequently used interchangeably, but there are differences. What are those differences, and how do those differences relate to the public health nurse’s role?
Are nurses seen as leaders in public health? If yes, what have you observed that supports your answer? If not, why do you think that is true, and what do think needs to change?
How does public health nursing practice support the core functions of public health? Which of the 10 Essential Health Services are nurses most involved?
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 2 Discussion
See the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals document. Imagine you are the nurse consultant at the state department of health. An advocacy group has sent this presentation to the Governor to make the program funding requests and recommendations. As the nursing director, you have been assigned to the “Fact Check,” which includes checking for accuracy of all the information. Based on your research, select two core competencies and summarize for the Governor the need for the services and how this may positively impact public health.
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 3 Discussion
Please choose one of the following prompts:
•Why should the concept of social capital be part of a discussion regarding environmental health? How does the concept of social capital relate to social policy or energy consumption?
•Nurses practicing in hospitals or clinics deal with waste management every day. How does the concept of waste management compare in the public health setting? What government agencies deal with hazardous and other waste management? How do they perform their functions?
•As informed citizens and public health nurses, what kinds of activities could a nurse participate in to promote environmental health? What could be some barriers or reasons why nurses may not be involved in advocacy activities regarding environmental health?
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 4 Discussion
Discussion Question:
Please choose one of the following prompts:
•Why is it important for public health nurses to understand how the U.S. health care system is organized and functions, how it impacts the population and the practice of nursing?
•Who is the Surgeon General? What is the role of the Surgeon General in public health?
•From the strategies identified by the IOM to enhance population health, select 3 of those suggestions. Develop specific examples of changes that would operationalize the strategy.
•What is the difference between public and voluntary health agencies? Choose a voluntary health agency that you have encountered in your practice, visit their website and report your findings using the following criteria:
oFunding source
oLeadership structure
oDescription of how the organization performs it mission ( e.g. grants, direct volunteer labor)
Compared with other developed countries, the U.S. spends more money but performs poorly on many major health outcomes indicators. Why is this? What are the factors and circumstances that contribute to this observation?
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 5 Discussion
Discussion Question:
•Research what diseases are reportable diseases within the state you reside. Is the list compatible with CDC recommendations? Are there key diseases missing? If so, what may be the reasons based upon your knowledge of the state.
•States have laws and regulations mandating immunizations for infants and young children. What is the public health justification for these laws? What are the justifiable reasons for parental refusal?
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 6 Discussion
Discussion Question:
Please choose one of the following prompts:
•Select a personal example when you heard a warning about an impending threat or imminent disaster (e.g. tornado, hurricane, wildfire, explosion, and flood). What was your response? What factors or personal beliefs impacted your response?
•After reviewing the information provided in your assignments, how does this information relate to your current practice? Is there a disaster plan in place? If so, it is adequate to meet the needs of all the stakeholders involved? If not, what actions need to occur? Are all types of disasters addressed in this plan? If not, what is missing?
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 7 Discussion
Discussion Question:
Please choose one of the following prompts:
•Why is community engagement so important in developing community-based programs to address population issues?
•Nurses prioritize identified nursing diagnosis in their daily practice. How is defining and prioritizing population health issues different? How are they the same? What factors or criteria are used to assist the nurse in decision making?
•How does case management services delivered by the public health nurse differ from the traditional nursing care performed in hospital nursing? What are some of the unique legal issues faced by the nurse in providing case management or home-based services? How would the nurse address these issues?
N680 Overview Of public Health Nursing
Module 8 Discussion
Discussion Question:
Please choose one of the following prompts:
•From a public health perspective, why is it important to shift from a disease oriented medical model of health care to one of a health promotion and prevention model?
•Which of the approaches used to foster health promotion within a community seems to be the most effective? What factors would need to be addressed in making a decision as to what approach to use?