Chat with us, powered by LiveChat While viewing the entire recording of this week’s archived Seminar, ?create a summary document. Seminar slides should not be copied this ?would be conside - Homeworkfixit

 While viewing the entire recording of this week’s archived Seminar,  create a summary document. Seminar slides should not be copied – this  would be considered plagiarism. You should be able to view the recording  and make notes at the same time so that you capture the following  items:

  • Describe the main points discussed in the Seminar.
  • Include sub-topics and/or subsequent classroom discussion from the entire Seminar.
  • Include points found of interest about the unit content and/or any additional reflections or questions about the unit content.

You may write the assignment in a bulleted list format or paragraph  format. APA style is not required. Remember to review the grading rubric  so that you include all of the required elements 

Seminar 1

 Hello, Hello! Good evening, everybody! Welcome to class.

 Good evening, everybody. Welcome to class. This is Cmt, O. 6, under personal communication.

 How's everybody doing tonight.

 We're doing good. Yes, we're hanging there. It's only 9 o'clock, so hopefully, it's not too late for you. My name is Kevin Wong. I'm your instructor for this course. You can call me Kevin. You can call me Dr. Wang. You can call me Professor Wong whatever you like.

 But I'm I'm here. I'm very excited to be working with you this term, and this is a class that I enjoy teaching a lot. And so I'm looking forward to. learning from you working with you and you know, hearing your and and hopefully facilitate you. On this journey. To learn more about interpersonal communication. Okay, so today, being the 1st day of our our course.

 I wanna do a couple of things. I wanted to to introduce the course a little bit. Introduce myself a little bit. Okay, and see if you have any questions about the course structure the content and whatnot and then we will. We'll talk about our 1st topic.

 Which is very important. What is interpersonal communication? What are we getting ourselves into? And so hopefully. By the end of this class, you'll be excited about the discourse this term. And you know, we'll answer all your questions about anything. Okay? Any questions, comments or concerns as before we get started here?

 No

 good. That's why that's why I like to hear let me send you. This is the Pdf of the slides that I have. Okay.

 I always send them during the during the seminar, and also I will post this after the seminar, so in case somebody wanted to follow along, they can look at the the Pdf. As you know, of course, put this on the screen as well. But some people like to have it handy. Okay, I will share this after class on on the bright space for a sec. Okay, Paula, you have a question.

 Nope.

 okay, I saw you raise your hand. But if you have any questions, just go ahead and type in the chat box and also during the seminar. Oh, no worries. You can hit that again, and it will go away. Okay, and so during the during the the seminar, you feel, you know, feel free to to comment, of course, feel free to come on camera if you like and feel free to turn on your your cam

 mic. Okay, if you wanted to rather say something instead of typing. Okay? So whatever that you're comfortable with, I'm good. Okay.

 alright. Let me go ahead and put this on the screen as well, so we can

 see

 it's a shame. But

 there we go

 alright. You guys are seeing my slides on the screen, I hope.

 Okay.

 well, I kind of already talked about the agenda. Right? I wanna do some introductions. 1st introduce myself. Introduce the course. I'll highlight a few things from the syllabus hopefully. You had a chance to look at it already. And you know things to know things to remember, and I'll see if you have any questions, then we'll move into our 1st topic. Very important topic.

 What is it? A personal communication? What are we getting ourselves into? Okay? And then that should take us for the whole hour to do the entire hour? Okay.

 let me start by introducing myself a little bit. I already posted a a brief introduction of myself. And I know many of you have already participated in the introductions form, which is wonderful. I will take a look at all of them, and I'll do my best to respond. To see that I've already responded to some of you. Okay? And so if you have not participated

 in the introductions form, please do so sometime this week, so that I get to know your background

 there. This is a big class, we about 36, 38 students, something like that. So it's a big class. But we're gonna spend the next 10 weeks together, so we might as well get to know each other a little bit. You guys are going to be reading each other's discussion post and commenting on each other's insights and ideas. And so let's start getting to know each other a little bit in the introduction

 for? Okay? Like I said, I will do my best to to respond to everybody a little bit to read your post and respond to everybody.

 I teach 2 sections of interpersonal communication. So this is the 9 o'clock section, and I have a 10 o'clock session after this, and so between the 2 section.

 I have a close. I'm close to 80 students, and so I will do my best to remember who you are, but this is a lot of people that I that I that I have to have to remember and so bear with me. Okay, bear with me. And you know, it's gonna it's gonna take time. But yeah, I'm sure I could do this and so let me let me introduce myself a little bit. Okay?

 So like, I said, my name is Kevin Wong. You can call me Dr. Wang, Professor Wong or Kevin, like I said, I don't really have any preferences. I've been teaching at Purdue Global for I think 4 years now. Okay, and I've enjoyed it very much. And prior to joining Purdue global. I was a full time faculty at Butler University, out in Indianapolis, and so some of you are from Indiana, you know, Butler, where Butler is right. And

 I, you know, in in 2019 I left my full time job at Butler, and we we, my family and I relocated overseas to where I am now, which is in Taiwan. Some of you may have noticed that in my introductions form. So I am on the other side of the world. Okay. However, thanks to the Internet. You know, I continue to work with. You know, students like yourself via these online platforms.

 And so I've been teaching at Purdue for for 4 years. I continue to teach for Butler. In our graduate program. In strategic communication.

 and here, locally, I also teach the local Taiwanese students at the at the National Chengdung University. Here you can see that. And if

 I still have time we set it up. My wife and I set up a a consulting company, educational consulting company, and so, if at all. We have time. We do a little consulting on the side. Okay? And so yes, very busy. I wear many hats. I also have 2 children. There's they're they're 7 and 4 and they're fun. They keep us busy all the time.

 Obviously, they're they're actually the main reasons why we wanted to be on this side of the world.

 And so my son was born in 2017, and you know we've been doing this long haul flights to Asia, where my parents my parents are retired, and they live in Taiwan now, and my wife is from Singapore her parents on that side of the world. Okay? And so we took our, I think, in 2018 we took our our one year old son to fly from India to Singapore.

 and, like I said in my post, I think that fly that trip took us about 30 h to get from from from India to Singapore, and by the time we got off our our flight I told my wife that we're never gonna do this ever again, not with a baby or whatnot, you know, if we're gonna we're gonna see our parents, we better be on the West Coast. Or better, yeah, we better relocate to.

 we we better relocate to Asia, and so you know, that was, you know.

 I think it was like a 3 h, 3 connections.

 and you know it was unbelievable.

 By the time we got to the West coast I was already exhausted with a with a baby. So, and then, you know, we fly across Pacific. And then all that. And it's like, not fun. Okay. So things have been working now. Very well, since you know, we we relocated, and I've enjoyed you know, in the life here. I grew up in Taiwan and and I mean my family moved to the Us. When I was in high school. So

 I'm hybrid kind of I'm bicultural in the sense that I speak 3 languages, and you know I I did most of my post secondary education in the Us.

 as you can see here, my bachelor's degrees are from the University of Washington, where I call home. I still have. You know, we still have a lot of families in the Seattle area. It's a beautiful place, the Pacific Northwest, and so some of you may be from there from the West Coast or from the area. You guys know that

 and my Phd, from University of Minnesota out in the Twin cities anybody from the Upper Midwest.

 Beautiful part of the country as well spend a lot of time in in the in in the Midwest region, you know, doing graduate school. And then, you know, working in Indiana at the at Butler. So

 very, very, very much familiar with the with the midwest region as well. Okay. Alright. So like, I said, I'm on the other side of the world. Currently, we do hope that we will return to the Us at some point for our children's education. But you know

 there's 7 and 4. So we're we're not quite there yet. But hopefully, sometime down the road we will. We'll relocate back to the Us. So what does this mean to you that on the other side of the world? Okay, so

 couple of things one, I'm 12 h ahead of you. Okay, so it's actually 9 o'clock in the morning here, some of you commented, that I have that you. You enjoy my energy well, because it's the morning here, and I'm drinking my coffee. So so this works out for me. Okay,

 this is also gonna be helpful for you. Because most of you are doing your work. Academic work at night in the evenings. Okay? And so

 what this means is, if you have any questions while you're doing your assignments. Okay, please feel free to send me a text sometimes even give me a call and say, Hey, you know, can we jump on Zoom? And I have some questions for you because I've done this before for my students. Okay, when you're working on this, I'm awake. I'm usually at my desk.

 Okay? And so the the lovely time difference actually works in your favor, and all my students favorite. So and and so, you know, I've been working with adult learners. My schedule actually works very well with adult learners. Because, you know, I'm on the other side of the world. Okay? And so

 it's great. Okay, so do not feel like you're bugging me. Okay, do not feel bad that you're bugging me. I'm I'm on the other side of the world. I'm actually awake when you are doing your assignments. Okay? So that's a plus for for all of you. Okay, all my students.

 So that's that. Aside from that, there's really nothing else. I wanted to add. I like, I said. I enjoy. I enjoy

 reading a few introductions from you guys, and I will, you know, continue to browse them. In the next couple of days. If you have not introduced yourself in the introductions form, be sure to do that in the next few days. Okay, there's also a separate discussion form. Okay? And so be sure to participate in that as well.

 Okay.

 alright, let's talk about this class. Okay? Some of you are probably wondering what this class is all about. Okay, I've heard students asking me, is this a speech class, are we?

 We're supposed to be, you know, making speeches and talking in front of people. I'm like, no, no, no, no, this is a class about interpersonal communication. Okay, we're going to talk about different aspect of how we, as an individual relates to people around us. Okay, you can see, some of the course goes here. Okay, we will talk about

 aspects of verbal communication. We'll talk about aspects of of nonverbal communication. We'll talk about listening, right? We'll talk about how we should we? We can better work in groups, how we can work in diverse situations interculturally intercultural communications. We will talk about conflict management. Okay? And so no, we're not. We're not making a speech. This is not a speech class. But we're gonna talk about

 different aspects of interpersonal communication that I'm sure all of you can relate to, because

 interpersonal communication is such a inevitable aspect of our lives, right in our in our personal lives and our professional lives. This is all around us.

 right? And so I look forward to you sharing your personal experiences. You know about about, you know, interpersonal relationships about interpersonal communication in this class. Okay,

 I do wanted to to say that this class just recently gone through a revision.

 We have. So this is the new class, new updated class. I'm teaching the updated class for the 1st time, and I know that they have tweak it a few things. Okay? I know. For example, they have a new textbook. Okay? And so I am reading the textbook for the 1st time alongside you guys, because I just found out that oh, we have a new class. We have a new textbook. We have a

 updated class with a new textbook. Okay, so there are a few things that's new. Okay? And so I I want to apologize in advance. If there are certain things that I'm not familiar with, especially with the new textbook, because I'm reading alongside you, and and it's great that we we update these classes from time to time. Okay? Because some of the old assignments I did not like them. My students did not like them. So I'm

 I'm hoping that they've changed and updated these assignment instructions, and we'll we'll we'll talk about more more about those assignments when we get there. Okay, any questions so far about what this class is all about

 no good. Alright! A few important things to know.

 Oh, let me go back here, most of you, if I remember. Okay, again, based on my experience. I've been teaching this class for for a long time. So most of you are either

 psych combination of psychology, right human resources. Or paralegal legal studies. Right?

 and what else?

 What are your majors? Business? Okay? That's usually the kind of folks who who are taking this class as part of the part of the their requirement. Right? Psychology, I/O psych or whatnot human services. Very good. So hopefully, I don't. I don't miss anybody. These are usually the the the majors who take this classes as part of the requirements. Like, I said, you can imagine why right. Interpersonal communication skills are part of your requirement.

 Right? Because in all these disciplines and all these professional fields, right? You really need to use a lot of interpersonal communication skills to navigate the different people, different populations that you serve. Okay? And so like, I said, I hope you will find the many topics that we discussed in this 5 relevant to you personally as well as to your profession and to your chosen career. Okay.

 all right.

 A couple of housekeeping issues before we dig into the topic.

 A few things to know. We got weekly seminars on Thursday evenings at 9 o'clock. Okay.

 Somebody asked about this in the in the in the Virtual Office. Is whether you, the the meetings are recorded. Yes, you will be able to view the recording

 via the the private space core site.

 Yeah. So if you know where to find the seminar on the course side, you know. Then you should be able to find the recording. It's there. Okay? And if you're viewing the recording, be sure to complete an option. 2. Assignment. Okay? In the option to assignment. I usually ask for 2 things, one, a summary, a quick bullet point. Summary of what we talk about.

 Yeah, during the seminar. And 2, a reflection, okay, or reaction or discussion of your

 ideas and your reactions to some of these topics to, for example, the discussion questions. I post your seminar. Okay? I am much more interested in your thoughts and your ideas rather than just a summary of what we talk about. Does that make sense? Because I know what we covers? But I'm much more interested what you think

 about. You know the these topics, and so in your in your, if you're doing an option to make sure you address like, here's here's a summary of what we talk about, and this is what I like about this topic. Where this is what I think about these topics. Here's an example. You know how this relates to my life. Okay,

 Second bullet point or 3rd bullet point. Each unit runs from Wednesday to to Tuesday. So everything is due by Tuesday, midnight, eastern time.

 Okay, again, for those of you who've been at Purdue global for a while. This is nothing new. Okay? And the late policy, 10% deduction each week for up to 2 weeks. The Standard Purdue global stuff. Okay,

 for discussion board. I just

 post it.

 I just posted a

 a an announcement about this. Okay? So if you have not seen it posted about

 half an hour ago, something like that, okay?

 And so it's on. It's on Brightspace.

 We got a question here.

 Emma says, due by Wednesday, because today's no, it's always exactly like Kevin says always it's it's always Tuesday night. Okay, so everything is due Tuesday night by midnight Eastern time. Okay, it doesn't matter when the the live seminar is. This is a Purdue global way of doing things. Okay, we start on Wednesday and on Tuesday. Okay.

 questions about due dates.

 No.

 let me talk about discussion boards a little bit. You guys, of course, will be able to find more information about that. On the announcement I just posted. Okay, basically in the discussion board, I asked for a few things. A,

 it needs to be 250 words or more.

 Okay, so you know, you gotta be long enough. 250 words or more.

 B, it needs to include at least one reference.

 Usually the textbook was what people reference. Okay, can be anything else. Okay? But at least one reference. Okay?

 3, rd

 you need to participate in the discussion board for at least a 2 days.

 Okay, I know some instructors have this Saturday deadline thing. You guys know what I'm talking about like you need to

 do your 1st post by Saturday

 something like that. I don't.

 I don't care. Okay.

 so I don't care if you post on Sunday, if you I don't have a Saturday deadline. Okay?

 So as long as I see 2 dates on it, I'm good. Okay, it can be Monday, Tuesday. It can be Sunday, Tuesday, because Sunday, Monday it doesn't matter as long as I see 2 dates on it. I am good.

 Okay? So the 3rd criteria is multiple days. Okay, as long as we're not all doing it on one night, usually. Tuesday, okay? And at 1130 pm, and I'm good. Okay? Because again, the the purpose is trying to get you guys to interact with each other. If you're doing it last minute. That's not the point. Okay, and so as long as I see 2 dates on this

 you'll get credit, you'll get full credit. And lastly, you should respond to at least 2 peers.

 Okay? And the responses should be substantive enough.

 That one is a little bit more subjective. Not that what is substantive? Basically, you know, I wanted to see your attempt to generate meaningful conversations. If you just say, Hey, good job, I enjoy reading your post.

 That's not very substantive. But beyond good job, I enjoy reading a post. You should, for example, ask a question

 to facilitate engage in additional conversations. Does that make sense?

 So that's all. The that's the the guideline for the discussion post, like I said, I have announced, made announcement about it. Just posted it. Okay, a couple of more points on late policy that I want to move on. Okay, in addition to

 the not. In addition to okay, here are a couple of additional guidelines. So

 for the discussion post. Okay.

 if you're late on the discussion post.

 Okay, I will only count the initial post.

 Okay? Cause, you know, sometimes when people are late, they are like, 2, 3 weeks late. Okay? And trust me, nobody is going to read. Okay, an old discussion response

 from 3 weeks ago.

 Does that make sense?

 And so I will count only your initial post, but not your peer responses. If you're late because your thought that is expressed in your initial post.

 Still, it's still valid. It doesn't matter if it's 1 week late, 2 weeks late. Okay, but if your discussion response is late.

 the person is not, gonna go back and read it. Okay. So I'm not gonna accept that.

 So if you're late on the discussion. I will only count the initial post

 if you post replies on time, but not

 if you put so

 if you post replies, but not the discussion on time. Then

 the replies will count on time, and then, you know I will. I would

 deduct a few points for your late initial post. So, Kevin, I think that you you understand that. Okay, alright. So that's

 all the housekeeping stuff that I wanted to communicate and make sure that you know, you guys are aware of the class is very straightforward. It's broken down into discussions, seminars, assignments, and journals. Okay.

 do we all know how to do journals?

 Have we done that in other classes this is a very easy assignment. Right journals are are easy to do. It's basically writing down your thoughts and reactions on on this week's topic. There's a little prompt. Okay? And you simply just, you know, copy and paste it into the the text box. Okay? And so on

 odd week unit weeks. Okay, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. We have journals. Okay, and I call these the light weeks, because again, the journals are easy. Okay? And assignments are a little bit more, a little bit more length.

 a little lengthier. Okay? I was, gonna say a little bit more, but like a little bit lengthier. Okay, it's a. It's on even weeks, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Okay. And we'll talk about that.

 When we get there. And every week we have seminars that we would get discussions. Okay? Like, I said, if you submit everything, if you do. You know, if you follow instructions, everybody should be doing well in this class. The students who struggle in this class, they struggle for one reason is by falling behind and not turning in assignments. Okay, that's the only reason why people did not do well in this class in my experience. So if you keep up with everything.

 Keep up turning your assignments, then

 we should all break.

 Okay.

 alright. Let me move on any questions about any of these things we talked about.

 we good

 awesome. If they if you got any questions, you know where to find me, you guys, you know, send me an email. Send me a text. Man, and then, you know, I'll I'll be happy to respond. Okay.

 alright. Let's talk about the main topics for tonight, and that is

 what is interpersonal communication. What is this all about? Okay,

 we'll start with this. Okay, without looking at the textbook without googling. Put your phone down whatnot. Give me 3 words or phrases that come to mind when you think of the term interpersonal communication. What comes to mind

 when you think of interpersonal communication

 clarity. Okay, I like that.

 Better communication. Okay? Feelings.

 So emotions face to face. Oh, okay, I like that.

 Personal customer service. Okay.

 communication, thoughts, body, language, understanding, interaction

 meetings that could be an email. Okay, body language, perception, understanding, eye contact

 talking amongst a group of people. Right?

 Different perspective, probably

 ways of speaking in front of others. Okay, very good.

 So we've got face to face. We've got, you know.

 and we got emotions verbal and nonverbal communication can be public right. Can it be private?

 Absolutely right? It can be also one on one face to face amongst a friend, right between partners, right between parents and children. Right? That's interpersonal communication, too. Okay.

 nobody. I don't think

 I don't think anybody mentioned this term for this idea of relationships.

 Right? A lot of times. This is also about connections. Right? Somebody mentioned emotions, feelings. Right? It's about building connections, building relationship building bonds. Absolutely okay.

 And the other thing that has not been mentioned somebody, may we all we all talk about face to face? Right?

 does it have to be face to face.

 No.

 Is this interpersonal communication?

 It could absolutely right. It can be online. If you're texting somebody is that interpersonal communication.

 So texting counts as interpersonal. If you're interacting with somebody on social media that counts as interpersonal communication, right? So we can also think of me. Interpersonal communication in what we call mediated settings. Those are called what we call mediated settings. Okay, I'm gonna type.

 Okay, usually, this is computer mediated. Okay,

 so it doesn't have to be okay. But but

 a lot of time is computer mediated, meaning that you know, it happens on a screen.

 Okay? And so everything we talked about verbal non verbal listening and all that. Remember, okay, while a lot of these things happen face to face. Okay, in real world. Okay, a lot of times

 these things verbal, non verbal listening and all that takes place

 increasingly, right? Virtually

 okay, online. Okay? And there's some differences between offline and online interpersonal communication. I think you would agree. Right? Online dating is different from offline dating

 right? There's some similarities. But

 no, it's still different. Right? Just like online classes very different from offline classes. There are some similarities. But

 that's also still different. Okay, let me show you this diagram, or or this image. Okay, this is a quick work cloud of different ideas of

 around about interpersonal communication. And you can see that we cover many of these things many of these concept, we didn't talk about teamwork. Or we know about groups. Okay, a lot of time is about dialogue. It's about people. It's about networking. It's about building connections exchange of information connection

 and all that. Okay, so let me dial back a little bit here to the 1st slide or to the to the the definitions here.

 for those of you who have read ahead in the textbook. Okay? And in the assigned readings this week it mentions this term or it has this, this spectrum, all right, or a continuum right of interpersonal communication. And and you guys probably came across this term called impersonal communication.

 You guys familiar, you get, have you guys heard of this term before in personal communication?

 I'll be honest with you before I start teaching this class. I have not heard or use the term in personal communication, right? Not before this class.

 So what does impersonal communication mean?

 It's okay. That's why that's why we're explaining it. Selfish communication.

 maybe not personal. Okay. When you treat people like objects. Okay.

 I like that. You're getting somewhere there. It's not personal. That's why it's called impersonal, not not friendly. Okay.

 Sometimes it doesn't have to be friendly or not. Okay. Let me give you a a an easier way.

 Let me give you an easier way to understand this. Okay,

 because we do this all the time, too. Okay.

 think about the last time you are at a at a checkout stand at the grocery store, and you start chit chatting with your with the cashier.

 Okay? Or the last time you stood at Starbucks waiting for your coffee. And you're 2 chatting with Barista about the weather today.

 Okay.

 those are all examples of impersonal communication, because

 it's not meaningful in the sense that you are not seeking to understand their relation, their perspective. You are not trying to build relationship with them.

 although in some situations, you know, after, if you're a loyal customer, you do build relationship with your cashier, with your, with your grocery person? So small talk. Okay.

 small talk

 without

 purpose. Okay, without

 involvement.

 without any stake.

 A hand.

 Okay.

 do