Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective, self-reporting instrument that identifies a person’s personality type and psychological p - Homeworkfixit


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective, self-reporting instrument that identifies a person's personality type and psychological preferences. The MBTI was developed by Katherine Briggs and is based on Carl Jung's research on perception and judgment. Carl Jung proposed that there are four essential psychological functions by which we see this world: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking.  According to the MBTI theory, you combine your preferences to determine your personality type. The 16 types are referred to by an abbreviation of the initial letters of each of the four type preferences of each cognitive function.

Once you complete the self-assessment, you will have a 4-letter personality type. For example, "ISTP" would denote introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. No type is considered "better" or "worse" than the other– all types are considered equal.

The MBTI emphasizes that each individual has specific preferences in the way they view the world, and this assessment provides insight into the differences and similarities in people's experiences of life. It also reveals aspect of leadership. For this reflection submission, please complete the following steps.

  1. Watch the following youtube video providing an overview of the MBTI:
  2. Complete the 20-question assessment (see attached pdf file).  Keep in mind, when answering each question, do not look back at past behavior or behavior associated to any one role (work, family, student, etc.).  Simply ask yourself, "Here and now, what do I prefer?" "If the world was perfect, what would I choose?".  This will help you achieve the most accurate results. 
  3. Once you complete the self-assessment and have your 4-letter type, visit the TypeFinder website to review your unique personality type: including top careers, relationships, and core values and motivations. TypeFinder also offers a free way to complete the MBTI assessment, however, you will have to create a free profile.  This is completely up to you and is not necessary.
  4. Complete your Leadership Reflection.  Focus on your thoughts, concerns, and ah-ha moments related to the finding out your personality type and learning more about your type. Be sure to provide your results and highlight some of the things you learned about your personality type from the TypeFinder website.

This paper should not be written in a question-and-answer format.  It should be written as a reflection paper with a proper introduction and conclusion.

The following writing prompts may help you explore your personality type when writing your reflection:

  • Were there characteristics or behaviors that you strongly agreed with or that "struck a chord" for
    you? (Explain)
  • Were there characteristics or behaviors within your personality type that you were unsure about, or thought was wrong?
  • Ask someone who knows you very well to read an overview of your type and ask them the following questions in regard to the overview. Do they agree with your type? If so, how?
  • Discuss three strengths of your type you feel will be an asset as a leader?
  • Discuss three weaknesses (opportunities) that you feel may hinder your effectiveness as a leader?
  • How do my strengths and weaknesses impact my leadership style and what can I do about it? 
    For example: one of your weaknesses could be that you are "vulnerable to criticism." If so, you may have identified that that is impacts you as a leader because it hurts and distracts you or makes you defensive when you feel criticized and misunderstood. What are some methods you can use to help you control this feeling or adapt? Perhaps you could seek to recognize criticism as fleeting opinions rather than as immutable facts. You could also begin a journal where you write down situations and words that make you feel most vulnerable or criticized, etc.

Your reflection submission must be at least 5 paragraphs minimum (APA format- double spaced, 12 pt font, 1-inch margins and title page). For this assignment, you do not need to reference page unless you choose to cite a source (then you must add a reference page).



Directions: This 20 question questionnaire is designed to help you see who you

really are. Keep in mind that self-evaluating questionnaires cannot be considered

foolproof. Even when test-takers answer as honestly as possible, there are numerous

reasons why they often score contrary to their true type.

Taking this questionnaire is only one step in the process to determine your true

Myers-Briggs type. Consider your questionnaire results with objectivity and

caution. After taking the Myers-Briggs Preference Questionnaire look at Table

1 and Table 2 below to help you further determine your actual type. Then read

descriptions of the different temperaments and types you think you might be.

In the following questions you must make one of two choices: a or b. Set aside some

time for yourself without interruptions. Perhaps, in some cases, you will feel like

choosing both aand b. Even if you agree with both answers, check the one with which

you agree more.

To yield an accurate description of yourself, it is imperative that you answer the

questionnaire honestly. Answer as you really are, not as the person you would like to

be. As much as possible, try to make choices outside the context of your job. In other

words, questionnaire results can be altered if you interpret too many questions with

your job in mind. The fact that we have certain job responsibilities and strong

interests should not be used to cloud the results. Therefore, try to think of situations

in which you are more free to be yourself. There are no right or wrong answers. Just

be honest with yourself as you read and make choices.

For each of the following 20 groupings of phrases and word pairs, choose the letter (a.

or b.) that you think most accurately describes you. Record your answers on the score

sheet directly below question 20 (notice that the questions on the score sheet run

horizontally along the row before going down).

1. a. expend energy, enjoy groups

b. conserve energy, enjoy one-on-one

2. a. interpret matters literally, rely on common sense

b. look for meaning and possibilities, rely on foresight

3. a. logical, thinking, questioning

b. empathetic, feeling, accommodating

4. a. organized, orderly

b. flexible, adaptable

5. a. more outgoing, think out loud

b. more reserved, think to yourself

6. a. practical, realistic, experiential

b. imaginative, innovative, theoretical

7. a. candid, straight forward, frank

b. tactful, kind, encouraging

8. a. plan, schedule

b. unplanned, spontaneous

9. a. seek many tasks, public activities, interaction with others

b. seek more private, solitary activities with quiet to concentrate

10. a. standard, usual, conventional

b. different, novel, unique

11. a. firm, tend to criticize, hold the line

b. gentle, tend to appreciate, conciliate

12. a. regulated, structured

b. easygoing, “live” and “let live”

13. a. external, communicative, express yourself

b. internal, reticent, keep to yourself

14. a. consider immediate issues, focus on the here-and-now

b. look to the future, global perspective, “big picture”

15. a. tough-minded, just

b. tender-hearted, merciful

16. a. preparation, plan ahead

b. go with the flow, adapt as you go

17. a. active, initiate

b. reflective, deliberate

18. a. facts, things, seeing “what is”

b. ideas, dreams, seeing “what could be,” philosophical

19. a. matter of fact, issue-oriented, principled

b. sensitive, people-oriented, compassionate

20. a. control, govern

b. latitude, freedom

Myers-Briggs Preference Questionnaire Score Sheet

a. b. a. b. a. b. a. b.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

Total Total Total Total



Assignment Details: Leadership Reflections #1- 4 (15pts each)

Over the next 4 weeks, you will be asked to reflect on personal aspects of leadership by

completing several self-assessments intended to facilitate self-discovery and increase self-

awareness. The goal is to help you uncover and profile your leadership "beliefs / worldview"

and leadership "skills / style".

After you complete each self-assessment, you should reflect on your assessment results and

related experience(s). Then, review the writing prompts that accompany each reflection

assignment. Writing prompts are intended to help you connect your results to the concepts and

learning objectives of the course. Each reflection should be completed directly following the

self-assessment to keep your thoughts focused and fresh.

These reflective exercises will be especially helpful as you work on your Developmental

Autobiography project. In fact, you may reference your results and increased awareness in the

paper, as appropriate.

Reflection Submissions

Your reflective entries should be at least 5 paragraphs AND should focus on your thoughts,

concerns, and ah-ha moments related to your results. I do not need you to submit the completed

self-assessment (your reflective entry should cover everything). The writing prompts are simply

a way for you to explore your results, connections to leadership, and the implications or

opportunities for development. The goal is for you to connect, reflect, and raise your

consciousness of self.

Self- Assessments to be completed:

Each assignment will include the resources required to complete the following self-assessments:

1. Leadership Beliefs (no assessment)

2. Personality Preferences (MBTI)

3. Leadership Compass (Work Styles)

4. Listening Skills & Communication Style

Grading Criteria

• Self-Reflection (4pts): How well did you demonstrate an understanding of your self- assessment results? How well did you connect your results to your world view, leadership style, and development opportunities? How well did you express unique personal insight derived from having completed the assessment?

• Self-Analysis (4pts): How well did you utilize descriptive data (results from the self- assessment) to support your self-analysis? Did you use specific examples to describe and support your self-analysis? Did you present and interpret the evidence to justify developmental activities?

• Organization (4pts): How clear, focused, and well-organized was your reflection?

• Writing (3pts): Does your reflection approach the assignment in professional and

graduate-level quality in grammar, writing style, and adherence to APA 6th format? When necessary (not required) did you cite course materials (lectures, readings, etc.) appropriately?