Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this assignment, you will read the agile case study (Valpak) in chapter 19 of the textbook and analyze the implications of the Scrum framework - Homeworkfixit

In this assignment, you will read the agile case study (Valpak) in chapter 19 of the textbook and analyze the implications of the Scrum framework in agile versus the traditional method in an organizational transformational process. Transitioning an organization like Valpak from a waterfall traditionally managed organization to an agile managed organization could be a major transforming event. Understanding transformational processes and how to overcome some of these challenges gives you a practical insight into an agile implementation that we have discussed in the past six weeks. Instructions:

• Explain the implications of the agile implementation at Valpak. o What was the transformation that took place?

o What types of Agile methodologies were used?

o What were the big challenges that were addressed?

o What were the key success factors? o What were the lessons learned from Valpak regarding the


• Address how this approach could be implemented at your current company or a company earlier in your career.

o What would be the challenges? o How would they be overcome?

Assignment Guidelines:

• Four pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.

• APA format, including in-text citations for referenced works.

• At least two resources.

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

PMG652 – Agile Project Management w/Scrum Marketing

Unit 7 Assignment: Valpak Case Study

Evaluation Rubric for Valpak Case Study Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient

Needs Improvement



0–20 Points 21-27 Points 28–34 Points 35 Points

Agile Implementation Explanation

Explanation is missing or inadequate.




implications of



at Valpak;





Explanation mostly addresses implications of agile implementation at Valpak; most instruction questions answered.

Explanation fully addresses implications of agile implementation at Valpak; all instruction questions answered.

Current or Past Company Implementation Analysis

Analysis is missing or inadequate.

Analysis mostly addresses implementation at current or past company; includes some major challenges and suggested solutions.

Analysis somewhat addresses implementation at current or past company; includes major challenges and suggested solutions.

Analysis fully addresses implementation at current or past company including all major challenges and suggested solutions.

0 – 5 Points 6 – 7 Points 8 – 9 Points 10 Points

Resources 0 resources. 1 resource. 2 resources. More than 2 resources.

Paper Length 1 page or more than 3 pages.

2 page. 3 pages. 4 pages.

Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.