Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Write a 1350-1500 word ?on a Claim of Policy? incorporating 3-5 sources as support in the body paragraphs MLA-style Please see the attached detailsClaimpoli - Homeworkfixit


Write a 1350-1500 word  on a Claim of Policy 

incorporating 3-5 sources as support in the body paragraphs


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Write a 1350-1500 word on a Claim of Policy incorporating 3-5 sources as support in the body paragraphs.

· Cite sources on a separate works cited page at the end of the document. Use MLA formatting.

· Use the  PIE methodLinks to an external site.  for body paragraphs.

· Include a paragraph length  rebuttalLinks to an external site. before the conclusion paragraph. Rebuttals fairly present an opposing point of view, address potential questions, objections, or concerns from the opposing side, and present a counter-argument.