Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Assume you have been asked by your company to research and propose an employer-sponsored health insurance plan for the company of 49 full-time employees. - Homeworkfixit

Option #1: Research Memo
Assume you have been asked by your company to research and propose an employer-sponsored health insurance plan for the company of 49 full-time employees. Ways to find the information include requesting a quote from different sites. One example is
At this site you would need to enter name as College Assignment, phone number as 999-999-999, a generic email, generic zip code, and number of employees as “49”. There are other sites that will provide quotes to you online or over the phone. Even some health facilities offer group health insurance. Create a research memo to detail your findings and proposal for how to proceed. Be sure to include:
• Whether you are suggesting an HMO, PPO, or other managed care program.
• Any limitations or requirements of the plan you chose.
• The reasons for the choice you made.
• Details that include premiums, deductibles, and copays.
• How your company will keep costs down for employees.
• Options for vulnerable populations in your company that do not utilize the employer-sponsored health plan.
Your submission should be 4-5 pages in length (not including title or reference pages) and must conform to APA guideline.
You must include a minimum of 4-6 credible, academic or professional references, including the text and/or course articles if used in your final project.