Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Provide an approximately 10-12 page (excluding references and tables/figures) critical review of your topic.? Your job is to integrate each of the componen - Homeworkfixit


Each student will upload their final inquiry assignment.  

Provide an approximately 10-12 page (excluding references and tables/figures) critical review of your topic.  Your job is to integrate each of the components to date into a comprehensive, critical review. This will include your topic summary/literature review as well as potential resources for a practitioner of the topic. Your assignment should contain:

  • APA Style Cover Page
  • Introduction of your paper – explain the purpose of your paper, the value/benefits/importance of examining this topic and corresponding tool, and put forth a thesis statement about the topic. (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Topic Summary/Literature Review – produce a final draft of your literature review/summary of the topic (be sure to paraphrase and appropriately cite your sources) taking into consideration all feedback (4-5 pages). 
  • Discussion and Justification of Selected Tools – discuss the one tool you selected using the following headings/subheadings:
    • Tool Name & description (about 1-2 pages).
      • Focus – concerns, relationships, insights, and studies regarding the tool. Be sure to paraphrase most writing and, when appropriate, strategically use direct quotes as you appropriately cite all sources in APA format. There must be at least 3, but ideally 4 or more references.
      • How to use the tool
      • When to use the tool
  • Conclusion – brief summary of findings that includes a discussion on the alignment of your findings from the literature review and your toolbox.  For example, did the scholarly articles within your literature review align with the “pop” and/or scholarly sources you referenced in your toolbox?  Also, include a discussion of how a practitioner using the tool might further inform/advance the research of the topic.  For example, are there any research questions you have as a result of understanding the tool? (about 1 page)
  • Reflection – professional and personal discoveries or takeaways, including how the concepts and tools of your research relate to your current experiences and future experiences. Second, discuss the process of researching and writing and how you utilized AI in the paper (if at all). Where did it help, where did it go wrong, and what are some ethical considerations for future use (about 1-2 pages)?
  • Reference Page – The paper should follow APA style and formatting, including a list of all references, proper APA formatting, etc.

**The final paper should incorporate feedback (e.g., AI generated, faculty, peer, writing center) and will be measured on how feedback was incorporated.  Final papers will also be measured regarding progress from the first draft to the final draft of the paper.  




Sabrina Stokes

School for Professional Studies- Organizational Dynamics Student

Saint Louis University


This paper will provide a literature review of some tools, techniques, frameworks, barriers, and assessments used to evaluate Dynamic Processes in the organization. It is important for organizations to integrate Dynamic Processes into the organization process to effectively operate. Are dynamic processes in the organization important, why or why not? In this text, it will highlight relationships amongst internal, external stakeholders, and adaptability and Power Dynamics in the organization. Also, implications of Power Dynamics and how they are negatively impacting these dynamic processes in the organization. After review of this context, one should understand Power Dynamics in the organization, relationships between power and authority, power dynamics and organizational change, power dynamics and leadership effectiveness and how, and when to use OD tools with these Dynamic processes. In this context let us ask ourselves how does power affect relationships between people? What is the relationship between formal authority and power? For example, power dynamics can refer to nonformal or formal ways that power is applied in an organization.

Dynamic Processes in the Organization and POWER DYNAMICS

Dynamic processes in the organization exist in all companies and the OD leader must have knowledge of proper planning and strategies. Examination of the character engaging by power in organizational change are increasing in force, scale, and impact. The involvement and diversity of power sources has become greatly deliberated in the area of organizational development and change. Various outlooks on power are related to adjustments in plans, the role of modifications of representatives, and impact behavior.

Dynamic Processes in the Organization

Dynamic process is one that is continuously changing or developing. We use this process to improve business workflows. Dynamic Processes consist of the shape of culture, values, leadership, and structure in how the organization operates. continue to flesh this out and I would integrate with previous paragraph. Don't forget to relate to open systems too

Outcomes of improvement include:

· Flexibility

· Reduced errors

· Improved customer satisfaction

· Improved communication

· Reducing misunderstandings

· Happy and motivated employees

work on transitions

Power Dynamics in the organization

According to “Power Dynamics and Organisational Change:” The analyses of the role played by power in organizational change are increasing in force, scale, and impact and has become a widely studied phenomenon in organizational development and change (Buchanan & Badham, 1999; Klein, 1998). Power influences relationships in several ways, both negatively and positively. Just a few examples of how people with power could be viewed; negative aspects include not being trustworthy, while positive aspects create positive outcomes within the environment. This text will dive deeper into the relationship between formal authority and power. Comment by Sabrina Stokes: write in active first person….Next, I will continue to dive deeper into the….

How can one use their position of both authority and influence on impact change? It could be positive or destructive and impact how people engage with them. The importance of this is to analyze an OD’s ability to adhere to constructive decision-making for the organization despite their ability to have authority and align with culture, value, leadership and structure. This literature has been organized by utilizing different research sources such as journals, articles, books and videos to find the material needed to analyze all different types of dynamic processes of an organization and the outcomes. Themes associated are Enviromental Relationship and Managment and Effectiveness or events when it comes to culture, values, leadership and structure.

An example of negative Power Dynamics could be one such as Triggered Abuse. According to Gauglitz, Iris K. and Schyns, Birgit authors of Triggered Abuse: How and Why Leaders with Narcissistic Rivalry React to Follower Deviance “Abusive supervision, which refers to leaders’ sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviors, excluding physical contact (Tepper, 2000, p. 178), is a highly unethical form of leadership. Previous research has investigated the relation between narcissism and abusive supervision (Gauglitz et al., 2022; Nevicka et al., 2018; Waldman et al., 2018; Whitman et al., 2013; Wisse & Sleebos, 2016) often treating narcissism as a unidimensional construct, which led to inconsistent findings. Narcissistic admiration describes a self-enhancing interpersonal strategy associated with striving for uniqueness, grandiose fantasies, and charming behaviors. In contrast, narcissistic rivalry describes a self-defending interpersonal strategy associated with striving “ Comment by Sabrina Stokes: work on APA….just need authors and year. Save the rest for the reference page.  Gauglitz and Schyns (year) refer to….

Strategies for Power Dynamics in the Organization

Enviromental Relationship and Managment

It is found sometimes that poor management affects employee relationships behavior creating values in the workplace diffuses conflict. Not using power and having open relationships with employees motivates them to be more effective.

Exhibit 11.2 Observable Aspects of Organizational Culture

This chart gives an overview of some characteristics of the organization that can be perceived to help decode the organizational culture (Daft 447).

Conclusion Comment by Sabrina Stokes: Overall this is a good start, Sabrina. I suggest you think more about how the pieces fit together and work on the flow and APA. You might consider working with Brainfuse, too. For the final youll also need to add some support and clarification. I look forward to seeing more.  

V. Conclusion

· Summarize key insights on the role of power in relationships, authority, and change

· Implications for OD leaders in leveraging power effectively for successful organizational change

Now that we have analyzed Dynamic Processes how they work in the organization and the difference on Power Dynamic, we should understand how to implement these tools as an OD to create a successful work environment.

Tool 1: Decentralized and Centralized Structures


Centralized and decentralized processes relate to which activities are concentrated in the central office of a company, or dispersed among other subdivisions and departments of an organization. In a centralized structure of organizational structure, decision making power remains at the top of management; while in decentralized structure the decision making power is distributed at lower authority and divisions. While centralization helps an organization establish standardize policies and effectively monitor all operations throughout its tiers, decentralization helps an organization grant subordinates the freedom and authority to make decisions without undue interference from higher authorities; it also helps an organization respond with tactfulness and speed to localized issues (Helmrich et al., 2021).

Among typical concepts related to decentralized structures, there is one known as modularity in design. Modularity is the process of breaking down a large system into several smaller subsystems each of which is capable of running and switching independently, giving increased flexibility (Ishizaki et al., 2020). Modular design is applied for the purpose of overriding the complexities of organizations, as it enables distinct decisions to be made on separate units or departments. Comment by Sabrina Stokes: Seems like modular design is the actual tool? Perhaps retitle and focus the heading/title to this…

How to Use

This tool can be applied by:

Conducting Confidential Surveys: Conduct periodic surveys to determine how employees view organizational decision making structures. Delegation and metrics can show how effective decentralized or centralized systems are and how effective they are performing.

Quarterly Metrics and Reports: Make use of objective assessments in order to determine the level of interest, rate of decision making, and effectiveness. Probable measures can still be altered when required.

Assessing Modularity: Determine whether decision problems are best solved unilaterally within divisions or whether divisions need to work together to solve them. This assessment will establish the appropriateness of decentralization or centralization (Ishizaki et al., 2020).

When to Use

This tool should be used quarterly to assess whether changes need to be made to the organization’s decision-making structure based on its performance and levels of engagement. Comment by Sabrina Stokes: say more….why quarterly? Add a little more depth and maybe a citation


Depending on the problem facing an organization, such as issues of slow decision-making, innovation, or low levels of engagement, the assignment of decision authority may need to be decentralized. Thus, if interdivisional cooperation is critical to success, centralization can be the best organizational structure. To maintain appropriateness for the role, confidential quarterly questionnaires and performance reviews that directly relate to the organization’s objectives are advised. Comment by Sabrina Stokes: say something about barriers or limitations

Tool 2: The Institutional View and Organization Design Comment by Sabrina Stokes: Sabrina – for this assignment, it was really to focus and flesh out one tool. That said, I am cool with you having two.


The concepts of ethical governance and power relations are also highlighted at the Institutional View and Organization Design tool. They make certain that the set organizational regulations are followed to the letter and that authority is not misused. This framework is particularly relevant in determining whether those occupying authority roles within an organization are promoting a healthy and equitable culture or whether they are acting corruptly.

Comment by Sabrina Stokes: say more about what the institutional view framework is….also I don't see anything about org design. In fact, org design is probably a better "tool" here

This tool emphasizes assessing the advantages and disadvantages of power and institutionalism. It raises the issue of whether high-performance corporate stratagems result from leader-manager influence or organizational norms that ensure equity and staff well-being. It also examines the effect of leadership traits and the decision-making of the leaders on organizational cultures and productivity (Rescher, 2020).

How to Use

Conduct Skill Set Reviews: Assess whether the leaders possess key competencies, such as active listening, motivating their subordinates, and an attitude towards failure as a stepping stone rather than something that they are reprimanded for.

Review Power Dynamics Indicators: Signs to look for in the workplace include increased employee write-ups, demotions, pay withholding, layoffs, and terminations.

Ensure Compliance with Institutional Regulations: Periodically evaluate adherence to institutional norms on power, ensuring there is no abuse of power to manipulate the results.

When to Use

This tool should be used where often there are signals of spectacular impropriety or other poor organizational patterns, for example high rates of dismissal, reduction in wages or outsourcing. These are signs that organizational behavior encourages changes in leadership behavior and power relationships.


Those organizations that experience a high level of employee negativity should conduct a behaviorally anchored validation of leadership. Performance reviews, employee surveys and organizational compliance checks are advised for the managers to promote a healthy workplace environment.


The decentralized structure offers certain benefits, which the centralized structure offers in equal measure depending on the requirements of the organization. There could be less decision-making rigidity, and more centralized power enables senior managers to make quick decisions. Centralization provides uniformity and order across the entire organization in the sense that many strategic decisions are aligned with the firm's overall strategic direction (Helmrich et al., 2021; Siggelkow & Levinthal, 2003). The institutional perspective focuses on ethical standards, stressing the proper use of power by managers and creating a positive climate (Rescher, 2020).

Effectiveness of the Tool

The tools of decentralized and centralized structures and institutional view had been proven in the literature and actual usage. On the one hand, decentralization shortens decision-making time and encourages creativity, on the other, centralization eliminates confusion and standardizes. These tools have been found effective in enhancing organizational performance and employee interest as viewed in the latest literature (Sony et al., 2023).

Practical Application

The case of decentralized structures might be utilized in actual practice, by the practitioner in organizations where dynamism is demanded, such as technology start-ups or fast-moving consumer goods organizations. Orders provide efficiency to large structures especially in industries which have strict standards of laws such as health and service industry. , while the institutional view refers to ethical institutional governance and power relations across industries for the promotion of an improved organizational culture. Comment by Sabrina Stokes: say more about process and how an OD practitioner might utilize these concepts/frameworks, including limitations/barriers. Comment by Sabrina Stokes:  Sabrina – overall nice job. I suggest taking one of the two and working on it. Be sure to add limitations and add a few more references to the tool description.  


Daft, R. L. (2020). Organization Theory & Design (13th ed.). Cengage Learning US. to an external site.

Gauglitz, I. K., & Schyns, B. (2024). Triggered Abuse: How and Why Leaders with Narcissistic Rivalry React to Follower Deviance: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 193(1), 115-131. processes#:~:text=By%20being%20able%20to%20respond,couldn't%20adapt%20to%20change.

Munro, M. L. (2002). Analysis of conflict and the use of power: New directions for RCMP management. A report on a study conducted with British Columbia managers (Order No. MQ72738). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (305471374).

Munduate, L., & Bennebroek Gravenhorst, K. M. (2003). Power Dynamics and Organisational Change: An Introduction. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 52(1), 1–13.
